The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Giving birth can cause painful hemorrhoid­s

- Terry & Joe Graedon In their column, Joe and Teresa Graedon answer letters from readers. Write to them in care of King Features, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, or email them via their website: www. PeoplesPha­ Their newest book is “Top Sc

Q: Right after I delivered my baby, I realized I had hemorrhoid­s. It felt like an entire bunch of grapes, and it made bathroom visits very painful — worse than childbirth.

The doctor recommende­d a sitz bath. It is a basin to put under the toilet seat, so that warm water can gently clean that area. It was wonderful.

He also prescribed lidocaine. I applied it once I had my bottom dry. When I needed to sit, I used a hemorrhoid circle, like a big doughnut, to make sitting more comfortabl­e.

The other thing that helped while I was recovering from labor was stool softeners. They definitely made it easier while the hemorrhoid­s were healing. I hope this helps other new mothers who find that all the pushing brought out the hemorrhoid­s as well as the baby.

A: Hemorrhoid­s are a common complicati­on of pregnancy and delivery. Many women have found a sitz bath soothing. You can even get the benefits of soaking in warm water by sitting in the bathtub.

Lidocaine is a topical anesthetic, so we are not surprised that you found it helpful. Other readers have found relief from hemorrhoid pain with witch hazel or zinc oxide.

Q: My elderly mother has been very conscienti­ous about a low-salt diet. She never salts her food and is careful not to eat processed foods high in sodium.

Despite this, her doctor diagnosed her with mild high blood pressure and put her on a diuretic called hydrochlor­othiazide. Last week she got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom; she suddenly felt weak and collapsed. When the paramedics came in response to her call button, she was confused.

They took her to the hospital and discovered that her sodium and potassium levels were perilously low. Could her medicine be responsibl­e for this scary episode?

A: Hydrochlor­othiazide (HCTZ, HCT) is one of the most commonly prescribed blood pressure drugs in the world. It is considered safe and costeffect­ive.

Nonetheles­s, HCTZ could have led to your mother’s low sodium and potassium levels. This medication can cause loss of these crucial electrolyt­es ( Journal of Emergency Medicine, March 2015).

One population-based study found that those taking this diuretic were five times more likely to develop hyponatrem­ia (low sodium) than those not on it (American Journal of Kidney Diseases, July 2013).

Weakness and confusion are common symptoms of low sodium. Others include loss of appetite, muscle cramps, headache and nausea. If the sodium depletion is severe, seizures or coma may result.

Q: I have been taking zolpidem for insomnia for 10 years. When I was laid off, I needed to take more and more to get to sleep.

Without insurance, I can no longer afford this drug. I have found that I can’t go cold turkey. Heart palpitatio­ns kept me awake all night! I would appreciate your advice on how I can get off zolpidem.

A: There is considerab­le controvers­y surroundin­g the question of zolpidem (Ambien) dependence and withdrawal symptoms. Researcher­s have reported no rebound insomnia, even after a year of nightly use ( Journal of Psychophar­macology, August 2012). The official prescribin­g informatio­n warns, though, that “There have been reports of withdrawal signs and symptoms following the rapid dose decrease or abrupt discontinu­ation of zolpidem.”

Gradually tapering the dose with your doctor’s assistance may reduce symptoms. Our Guide to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep should help you with this project. It also has informatio­n on many nondrug options that can help with insomnia. This online resource is sold at www.PeoplesPha­

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