The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



The North American Pairs begins with grassroots eliminatio­ns and ends at the ACBL Spring NABC. In today’s deal (reported by Barry Rigal) from the 2017 final, South was a top expert. He doubled East’s flimsy weak two-bid, and when North jumped in spades to invite game, South boldly tried six clubs.

Since West had spade and diamond stoppers, he might have led a trump. South won the actual heart lead with the ace and started on a line of play that might have worked. He unblocked the A-K of diamonds, ruffed a heart in dummy and led the queen of diamonds.

East ruffed with the queen. South overruffed with the king and still could have succeeded, but he ruffed his last low heart in dummy and led the king of spades to set up a re-entry to his hand.

West won and led the jack of diamonds, and East ruffed with his nine of trumps. South overruffed with the ace and took his 10 and eight, but West’s seven was high! Down one.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ KJ652 ♥5 ◆ Q 10954 ♣ J 2. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade and he bids two clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your hand is weak in high cards, and you appear to have no good trump fit. Don’t fight a misfit. Don’t bid two diamonds, which would be forcing. Pass. In such a case, don’t continue to search for a playable contract when none may exist. Stop bidding. Limit your loss.

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