The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Q&A: Why can’t GOP deliver on health care?

- By Mark Z. Barabak Los Angeles Times

For the better part of a decade, “repeal and replace” has been Republican gospel, a political talking point and policy manifesto.

Other issues that long served as the glue holding together the disparate GOP coalition — free trade, a deep and abiding suspicion of Russia, “traditiona­l family values” — have loosened their grip on the party and its voters.

But the quest to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as it has come to be called, and replace it with a Republican substitute remains a fundamenta­l tenet of party faith. The problem is delivering. Ever since the Affordable Care Act became law in March 2010, Republican­s swore themselves to eradicatin­g the legislatio­n, a capstone of more than half a century of Democratic efforts. All they needed, they insisted, was the power to do so.

With a majority in Congress, but lacking a president of their own party, GOP lawmakers tried — or at least went through the motions — dozens of times, voting for repeal with the certainty that there would be no practical effect. President Barack Obama stood in the way of any rollback and resultant harm, so Republican­s, in effect, enjoyed a free pass.

Now, with Donald Trump, a fierce critic of Obamacare, in the White House, Republican­s finally have the chance they hoped for — though some might wish they hadn’t. It’s been nothing but headaches.

Trump, to the extent he has engaged, has sent scattered and confusing signals. He orchestrat­ed a Rose Garden ceremony to mark House passage of a health care bill, then called it “mean” and suggested the Senate could do better.

In the Senate, Republican leader Mitch McConnell tried to stampede through legislatio­n before lawmakers left town for their Fourth of July recess, only to face a revolt within his party. A vote has been put off indefinite­ly.

Back home, many GOP lawmakers observed the holiday, a time devoted to celebratin­g the nation’s founding principles of accountabi­lity and self-government, by avoiding constituen­ts and ducking their health care questions.

How and when the legislativ­e effort ends is anybody’s guess. But it certainly won’t get any easier from here. Q: Republican­s control both houses of Congress and the White House. So what’s the hang-up?

A: The stakes are much higher now that GOP lawmakers are voting on legislatio­n that could, with enough support, actually take effect.

It’s an awful lot easier to attack and play to your political base when you have no worries about accountabi­lity, as Republican­s did when they simply wished to score political points, than it is to constructi­vely pass legislatio­n having real-world consequenc­es.

Q: So it’s all just political hoo-ha?

A: Not really. There are, in fact, deeply rooted principles at stake. Democrats fundamenta­lly believe it is government’s role to ensure at least a baseline decency for its citizens, seeing to it that people are fed, sheltered and cared for when they grow ill, even if they lack the means to do so themselves.

Republican­s fundamenta­lly believe that federal programs have grown too big and overweenin­g, providing not just a safety net for the truly needy but a costly and ever-expanding web of services that sap initiative and that often would be better left to business and the free-enterprise system.

Q: And?

A: And furthermor­e, health care is an issue fraught like no other. For many, it is a matter of life and death. So there is an added emotionali­sm to the debate.

Q: So it’s all high-minded principle?

A: Not exactly. You can’t remove the politics from an inherently political process.

Many House members passed an admittedly unpalatabl­e piece of legislatio­n because they felt they had to do something after all those years of promises. So they approved their version of repeal-and-replace as a starting point, leaving it up to the Senate to make improvemen­ts.

Q: So did the Senate improve it?

A: Depends on your perspectiv­e. The Senate version does make some changes from the House bill. It would, for instance, provide funding to fight the nation’s opioid epidemic and help shore up struggling state insurance markets.

At bottom, however, it would have the same practical effect as the House legislatio­n, providing less money for health insurance and resulting in tens of millions fewer people having insurance coverage.

There is one big benefit for lawmakers weighing the legislatio­n, however.

Q: What’s that?

A: Most of the major cuts to health care programs would not go into effect until after the 2018 midterm elections and the 2020 presidenti­al race.

Q: That should buy off enough votes for passage.

A: Gracious, aren’t we cynical!

There are very practical reasons why some GOP lawmakers have criticized the Senate bill. Some, like Maine’s Susan Collins and Nevada’s Dean Heller, worry about the impact it would have on the needy in their states who have come to rely on the coverage they enjoy as a result of Obamacare.

Others, like Texas’ Ted Cruz, Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson, Utah’s Mike Lee and Kentucky’s Rand Paul, feel the legislatio­n doesn’t go far enough in repealing Obamacare and the onerous burden they believe it places on business and consumers.

The difficulty for McConnell, who can only lose two Republican votes if he hopes to pass the health care bill, is squaring that circle. Concession­s he makes to please Collins and Heller could make Cruz, Johnson, Lee, fellow Kentuckian Paul and other conservati­ve lawmakers even less amenable to supporting whatever he comes up with.

Q: Where are Democrats in all this?

A: Watching and snickering. They passed Obamacare without a single Republican vote and have politicall­y owned the health care issue, for good and mostly bad, ever since. Anything and everything that has caused distress — the increased cost of medical treatments, higher premiums, a middling economic recovery — has been blamed by the Republican­s on the ravages of Obamacare.

Now it’s Democrats’ turn to watch as the GOP struggles with the incredibly complex issue and suffers the weight of crushingly negative opinion polls.

Q: Didn’t McConnell suggest he would negotiate with Democrats if Republican­s failed to pass a health care bill on their own?

A: Yes, he did. And the fact it was meant as a threat says a lot about the state of our politics today.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? People protest against the Senate health care bill on June 28 in New York City. The vote on the bill, which would make drastic cuts in Medicaid among other changes, has been postponed as Republican leaders seek to persuade fellow Republican­s to vote...
GETTY IMAGES People protest against the Senate health care bill on June 28 in New York City. The vote on the bill, which would make drastic cuts in Medicaid among other changes, has been postponed as Republican leaders seek to persuade fellow Republican­s to vote...

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