The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Cy the Cynic continues to struggle — halfhearte­dly, I’m afraid — with his weight.

“My new diet looks promising,” Cy told me. “It’s called the ‘miracle diet.’” “How does it work?”

“I eat what I want,” the Cynic said, “and pray for a miracle.”

Cy’s approach to dummy play is similar. He plunges ahead and hopes something good will happen. At today’s slam, Cy ruffed West’s king of diamonds and ran his trumps. No miracles were in the cards: West kept his clubs, so Cy lost a club and a spade.

Could you do better? After Cy wins the first trick, he takes the A-K of clubs and leads a third club toward his hand. If East discards, Cy wins, ruffs his last club with the ace of trumps and loses one spade.

If instead East ruffs in on the third club and leads another diamond, declarer ruffs and cashes the king of trumps and then the queen of clubs to discard a spade from dummy. When East can’t ruff, declarer takes the A-K of spades and ruffs his last spade.


You hold: ♠ A54 ♥ A2 ◆ 107642 ♣ K 5 4. Your partner opens one club, you bid one diamond and he rebids two clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: You have 11 points — ordinarily enough to invite game but not to force to game. But this case is exceptiona­l. Partner has at least six clubs, your king will solidify his suit and your other honors are aces. Bid 3NT. It will be a laydown if he has only 7 6, 8 7, A53,AQJ1076.

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