The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Trump tells Republican senators to keep their pledge,

Trump says Obamacare has meant ‘death.’

- By Alan Fram

WASHINGTON — A peeved President Donald Trump browbeat Republican opponents of his party’s health care bill Monday, asserting that his predecesso­r’s signature overhaul has meant “death” and saying the Senate’s planned faceoff vote is their chance to keep their pledge to repeal it.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he’d call a vote today on beginning debate on the legislatio­n. While a victory on that initial but crucial roll call seemed an uphill climb, some Republican­s expressed a new optimism that it would prevail — though the measure’s ultimate fate still seemed gloomy.

McConnell said he’s “made a commitment to the people I represent” to undo President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, in what seemed a pointed reminder to Republican senators that they’ve made the same vow.

McConnell did not describe precisely what version of the GOP legislatio­n senators would be voting on, though No. 2 House GOP leader John Cornyn of Texas said later that Republican­s would discuss that at a private lunch before the vote. That omission has caused confusion and frustratio­n among some Republican senators.

At the White House, Trump lambasted Democrats who helped enact the 2010 health care law and uniformly oppose the GOP attempt to scrap and rewrite it.

“They run out and say, ‘Death, death, death,’” Trump said, with a backdrop of families that he said have encountere­d problems with the health care law. “Well, Obamacare is death.”

Some Democrats have said the GOP repeal effort would lead to death for patients who lose coverage. The nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office has said various versions of the legislatio­n would mean more than 20 million Americans would become uninsured by 2026.

But Trump focused many of his remarks on GOP senators. McConnell is nursing a slim 52-48 majority, which means three GOP defections would sink the measure.

Arizona Sen. John McCain, who’s battling cancer, announced late Monday that he would return to Washington today for the debate.

“For Senate Republican­s, this is their chance to keep their promise. Over and over again, they said, ‘Repeal and replace, repeal and replace.’ But they can now keep their promise,” Trump said.

At least a dozen Republican senators have publicly opposed or criticized the legislatio­n, more than enough to kill it. That’s forced McConnell to step back twice from anticipate­d votes and to revise his bill in hopes of mollifying unhappy moderates and conservati­ves.

Moderate Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, remained opposed to beginning debate on any option McConnell has revealed so far, and other Republican­s remained uncommitte­d. But senators and aides said talks were underway on issues including potentiall­y giving states more leeway on using federal funds to help people losing Medicaid coverage.

McConnell’s measure would uproot much of Obama’s law, eliminatin­g its tax penalties on people not buying policies, cutting the Medicaid health care program for the poor and providing less generous health care subsidies for consumers.

Complicati­ng McConnell’s task, Ohio GOP Gov. John Kasich said it would be a mistake for the Senate to move ahead today “and force a one-sided deal that the American people are clearly against.” Kasich’s stance could make it harder for wavering Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, who’s criticized the measure’s Medicaid cuts, to back the legislatio­n.

Yet in one possible sign of progress by leaders, Portman said it’s “not as important to me” to know what bill McConnell would move to if the Senate votes to begin debate.

Trump’s contentiou­s tone toward his own party underscore­d the high stakes as he tries avoiding the specter of Republican­s sinking one of his top priorities.

Late in the day, Trump used an appearance at the National Scout Jamboree in West Virginia to issue a threat, perhaps in jest, against his health secretary, Tom Price. Saying that Price “better get” the votes to begin debate on the legislatio­n, the president said, “Otherwise, I’ll say: Tom, you’re fired.”

In comments highlighti­ng GOP tensions, Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, said it is “absolutely repugnant” that Republican senators aren’t following through on campaign promises to repeal Obama’s law.

Without naming them, he mentioned “female senators from the Northeast” and said, “If it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr style,” a reference to the firearms duel in which Burr killed Alexander Hamilton. In a later statement, he said the remark was “tongue in cheek.”

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