The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Elite troops deployed to Niger after attack

Pentagon feared militants were hunting soldier.

- By Dan Lamothe and Karen Deyoung

The Pentagon deployed elite commandos from the United States in response to the deadly ambush of a Special Forces team in Niger, fearing that one sol- dier who was missing at the time was alive and might fall into enemy hands, military officials said.

The commandos, with the secretive Joint Special Operations Com mand(J SOC), were deployed late on Oct. 4 after three U.S. soldiers and five

Nigerien troops partnered with them were declared

killed in action, said three officials, who had familiarit­y with the operation and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Earlier in the day, French Mirage jets were dispatched from their base in Niamey, the Nigerien capital, along

with French attack helicopter­s from Gao, in neighbor- ing Mali. The U.S. request for assistance came after the troops notified their home base, an hour after the ambush began, that they were in trouble.

The jets took off within 30 minutes, and took another half-hour to reach the scene of the attack in the southwest corner of Niger near

the border with Mali. They did not fire on what officials said was a confusing battle- field, to avoid hitting friendly forces. The helicopter­s, trav- elling more slowly and from farther away, took an additional hour to arrive.

It remains unclear whether the firefight was ongoing when the helicopter­s arrived, and when it became appar- ent that Army Sgt. La David T. Johnson was missing. His body eventually was recovered the evening of Oct. 6, after it was found by local Nigeriens and turned over to Nigerien authoritie­s work- ing with U.S. troops. It was not clear whether JSOC forces ever became directly involved in the search.

Two U.S. military officials said Johnson may have become separated from his unit in part because they were ambushed twice in succession, by militants believed affiliated with the Islamic State. That detail, first reported by NBC News, may explain the chaotic nature of the mission and the delayed call for assistance. Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a news conference Monday that the U.S. and Nigerien troops first faced enemy fire that morning, but may have initially thought the situation was under control.

Johnson’s separation triggered declaratio­n of what the

military calls a DUSTWUN, which stands for “duty sta

tus whereabout­s unknown,” the officials said. Declara- tion of that status typically leads to an intense search for a missing service member. It is used when a commander suspects that a ser- vice member may be absent involuntar­ily, but does not think enough evidence exists to make a definitive determi- nation, according to a U.S. military manual.

Dunford appeared to allude to the deployment of JSOC members during his news conference Monday, saying that “national assets” were made available for the search. Dunford received a phone call from Marine Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, the chief of U.S. Africa Command, the

night of the ambush — early the next morning, in Niger, which triggered approval for additional help, the chairman said.

Two U.S. military officials said it is unlikely JSOC would have deployed forces for the search if it was clear at the

time that Johnson was dead. The concern, the officials said, was that the missing soldier could be captured alive.

“All of us were preparing at the time for PR support,” said one U.S. military official, alluding to sensitive personnel recovery operations.

The deployment of JSOC in response to Johnson’s disappeara­nce was first reported by ABC News. It has not previously been reported that the military issued a DUSTWUN alert, or that commanders had concerns that Johnson was alive and potentiall­y attempting to evade those who had ambushed his unit.

JSOC includes the military’s most elite forces: the Naval Special Warfare Developmen­t Group, better known as SEAL Team 6, and the Army’s 1st Special Forces Operationa­l Detachment-Delta, better known as Delta Force. It is not clear which force was assigned to help, or if both were.

Officials believe that those responsibl­e for the attack were part of the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara, one of a number of small groups that began operating in Mali and Niger over the last two years.

The Sahara group, led by Adnan Abu Walid Sahroui, a West African-born jihadist, pledged allegiance to and was officially recognized by

the main Islamic State in late 2016. It is believed to have fewer than 60 adherents — although numbers and alliances fluctuate in the fluid situation in the sub-Saharan Sahel region — who operate mainly in the Niger-Mali border region.

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