The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Social media giants defend security measures

Facebook, Google, Twitter testify about foreign ads.

- By Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON — As revelation­s emerged that Russian-linked accounts reached many more American voters than previously thought, tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Google on Tuesday defended their security measures and promised a Senate subcommitt­ee they would do more to stop the misuse of their platforms by foreign nations.

Lawyers for the three companies acknowledg­ed to U.S. lawmakers that Russian-linked accounts began exploiting their services in 2015 to sway last year’s presidenti­al election.

They also said the abuses continued after President Donald Trump took office, in an attempt to deepen divisions in the country.

The admissions came Tuesday during appearance­s before a Senate subcommitt­ee looking into Russia’s manipulati­on of influentia­l communicat­ion channels to interfere in the 2016 election. The mischief came through advertisin­g purchased on the services and posts containing misleading or false informatio­n.

All three companies vowed to do a better job preventing similar interferen­ce from Russia and other “bad actors” in the future.

Early on, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said the purpose of the hearing was for the government to “figure out how we can help” the tech companies. But in the second hour of the meeting, Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont said he’d been hearing a lot of “Johnny-come-latelies” from the companies when they could have done something earlier.

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, meanwhile, pressed the companies to declare whether they will support the “Honest Ads” bill she has introduced with Sen. Mark Warner, which would bring political ad rules from TV, radio and print to the internet.

Each of the tech giants offered qualified support rather than answering “yes.”

“We stand ready to work with you and your co-sponsors on that legislatio­n going forward,” said Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch, who was echoed by Twitter’s and Google’s representa­tives.

Wide reach

Facebook has disclosed that content generated by a Russian internet agency potentiall­y reached as many as 126 million users. The company said pages created by Russia’s Internet Research Agency generated 80,000 posts on 120 pages between January 2015 and August 2017. Possible views reached the millions after people liked the posts and shared them.

Testimony from Facebook’s Stretch made clear that many of those users may never have seen the material. The company said the total number represents around 1 out of 23,000 pieces of content on the site.

These “organic” posts that appeared in Facebook users’ news feeds are distinct from more than 3,000 advertisem­ents linked to the agency that Facebook has already turned over to congressio­nal committees.

The ads — many of which focused on divisive social issues — pointed people to the agency’s pages, where they could then like or share its material.

Twitter told the subcommitt­ee it has uncovered and shut down 2,752 accounts linked to the agency, which is known for promoting pro-Russian government positions. That number is nearly 14 times the number of accounts Twitter handed over to congressio­nal committees three weeks ago.

Growing pressure

Lawmakers have pressured the social media companies to come forward and have criticized them for not being fully forthcomin­g immediatel­y after the election.

During the hearing, the companies also faced pressure for not noticing earlier that Russian election meddling was taking place on their platforms.

“In hindsight, we should have had a broader lens,” Stretch said.

On Twitter, the Russia-linked accounts put out 1.4 million election-related tweets from September through Nov. 15 last year — nearly half of them automated. The company also found nine Russian accounts that bought ads, most of which came from the state-backed news service RT, previously known as Russia Today.

Twitter said last week it would no longer accept ads from RT and Sputnik, another state-sponsored news outlet.

It will donate the $1.9 million it has earned from RT since 2011 to support external research into political uses of Twitter.

Google said two accounts linked to the Russian group spent $4,700 on ads on its platforms during the 2016 election.

The company also found 18 YouTube channels likely backed by Russian agents.

All three companies will also testify today before the House and Senate intelligen­ce committees as part of congressio­nal probes of Russian election interferen­ce.

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