The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

S. Korea leader meets Xi, urges a ‘new start’

Ties soured after U.S. put antimissil­e system in S. Korea.

- Jane Perlez

BEIJING — After more than a year of frosty relations bordering on hostile, South Korea’s leader, Moon Jae-in, pledged a “new start” Thursday in his country’s dealings with China as he met with President Xi Jinping, a re-engagement that China hopes will lead to stepped-up diplomacy on disarming North Korea.

The two leaders moved to repair ties that had soured over China’s anger at the deployment of a U.S. antimissil­e system on South Korean soil. China fears the antimissil­e system, meant as protection against North Korea, threatens its own security.

Anxious to improve relations with the liberal-leaning Moon, China moved to settle the dispute over the antimissil­e system in late October, and began to ease the unofficial trade war it had launched against Korean cars and consumer goods.

But Beijing argues that the agreement was only “provisiona­l,” and is pushing for the eventual removal of the system, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD.

Under pressure from the United States not to give further ground to China, Moon appears to have fallen short of pleasing Beijing on THAAD, and Xi acknowledg­ed those lingering tensions.

“China-South Korea relations experience­d a setback due to the reason we all know,” he said at the meeting, according to pool reports. “I am confident the president’s visit will be an important opportunit­y for us to improve our relationsh­ip by paving a better way based on mutual respect and trust.”

The two sides agreed before the meeting not to issue a joint statement, South Korean officials said, signaling that China was sticking to a tough position on the antimissil­e system.

Moon expressed a desire for a new beginning in the two countries’ relationsh­ip.

“I believe that trust is most important not only in a relationsh­ip between persons but also between countries,” he said at the beginning of his meeting with Xi, according to Yonhap, the South Korean news agency.

In an interview with the Chinese state broadcaste­r CCTV before leaving Seoul, Moon tried to satisfy China, saying Beijing did not need to worry about the antimissil­e system because South Korea would ensure that its radar did not penetrate far into Chinese territory.

“We will make sure THAAD does not violate China’s security beyond its original purpose of defending South Korea against North Korean missiles,” Moon told the broadcaste­r. “And the U.S. has guaranteed this as well on multiple occasions.”

Moon arrived in China after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson proposed in Washington on Tuesday that the United States sit down to talks with North Korea without preconditi­ons beyond a pause in its nuclear testing.

The White House later knocked back Tillerson’s conciliato­ry comments. Still, his remarks served to highlight China’s own suggestion of “freeze-for-freeze” as the basis of talks. Under that idea, North Korea would freeze its nuclear weapons program in return for the United States and South Korea halting their military exercises around the Korean Peninsula.

 ?? NICOLAS ASFOURI / AP ?? South Korean President Moon Jae-in (left) and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands Thursday after a signing ceremony in Beijing. No joint statement will be issued at the talks, South Korean officials said.
NICOLAS ASFOURI / AP South Korean President Moon Jae-in (left) and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands Thursday after a signing ceremony in Beijing. No joint statement will be issued at the talks, South Korean officials said.

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