The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Texas Republican won’t seek re-election

Lawmaker denies sexual harassment allegation­s.

- By Alan Fram and Will Weissert

WASHINGTON — Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold announced Thursday that he won’t seek re-election next year, adding his name to the list of lawmakers leaving Congress amid sexual harassment allegation­s that have cost powerful men their jobs in politics, the arts and other industries.

In a five-minute video on his campaign’s Facebook page, Farenthold denied a former aide’s three-year-old accusation­s, which included that he’d subjected her to sexually suggestive comments and behavior and then fired her after she complained. But he apologized for an office atmosphere he said included “destructiv­e gossip, offhand comments, off-color jokes and behavior that in general was less than profession­al.”

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., told reporters he’d spoken twice to the Texan on Wednesday and suggested there were additional accusation­s that had yet to surface.

“Unacceptab­le behavior has been alleged in those stories, and I think he’s made the right decision that he’s going to be leaving Congress and that reflects some of the conversati­ons we’ve had,” Ryan said.

Farenthold’s decision comes as congressio­nal leaders have shown little desire for lawmakers facing credible harassment allegation­s to remain in Congress as 2018 elections roll into view.

Democrats had criticized Ryan for not forcing Farenthold out sooner. But Republican­s cited a recommenda­tion by the independen­t Office of Congressio­nal Ethics that the House Ethics Committee dismiss the


“There is not substantia­l reason to believe that Representa­tive Farenthold sexually harassed or discrimina­ted against complainan­t,” the office had said.

Last week, three lawmakers facing accusation­s of sexual harassment announced their resignatio­ns.

Reps. John Conyers, D-Mich., and Trent Franks, R-Ariz., have already left Congress while Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., has said he will step aside soon. Franks left under pressure from Ryan after Franks was accused of pressuring aides to serve as a surrogate mother to carry his child, with one former staffer telling The Associated Press he’d offered $5 million to do so.

Farenthold, a seven-year House veteran, had said he’d engaged in no wrongdoing when he settled the case in 2015. But after congressio­nal sources said he’d paid the $84,000 settlement using taxpayers’ money, the House Ethics Committee said last week it would investigat­e him and public focus intensifie­d, even though he said he’d reimburse the Treasury Department.

In his video, Farenthold said if he stayed in Congress,

he’d have to spend months trying to vindicate himself.

“Quite simply my constituen­ts deserve better,” he said. “They deserve a primary campaign that’s focused on the serious issues facing our country and our state and fixing a broken system. Therefore I’m announcing my decision not to run for re-election.”

The lawsuit by former Farenthold aide Lauren Greene alleged that the congressma­n had discussed his sexual fantasies about her and said at a staff meeting that a lobbyist had propositio­ned him for a threesome. It accused Farenthold of repeatedly compliment­ing her appearance, then joking that he hoped the comments wouldn’t be construed as sexual harassment.

Five Republican­s filed to challenge Farenthold in Texas’ March 6 Republican primary even before he resigned.

Farenthold upset long-serving Democratic U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz during the tea party wave of 2010, but the district has since been redrawn to make it more reliably Republican. That included removing many areas along the Texas-Mexico border which had favored Democrats.

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK / AP ?? Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, arrives for a House committee hearing Wednesday. Farenthold won’t seek re-election next year. The lawmaker is under pressure from sexual misconduct allegation­s.
ANDREW HARNIK / AP Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, arrives for a House committee hearing Wednesday. Farenthold won’t seek re-election next year. The lawmaker is under pressure from sexual misconduct allegation­s.

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