The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Ukraine fighting pauses, briefly, for major prisoner exchange

No serious incidents in biggest swap in conflict’s history.

- Andrew Higgins

MOSCOW — After a sharp escalation in fighting this month between the Ukrainian military and Russian-backed separatist­s, the two sides took an unusual break from shelling each other Wednesday to carry out their biggest exchange of prisoners since the conflict began in 2014.

The prisoner swap — involving 73 Ukrainians held captive by the rebels, and more than 200 separatist­s captured by Ukraine — was carried out without serious incident just days after the Trump administra­tion agreed to provide weapons to Ukraine.

That move, Russia says, will only escalate a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people.

The prompt release of all prisoners was a key part of a 2015 peace agreement brokered by France, Germany and Russia in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. But like many other parts of the Minsk deal, it has gotten bogged down in accusation­s on each side that the other was not fulfilling its obligation­s.

The two sides have swapped prisoners on several occasions, but Wednesday’s exchange was the biggest transfer of captives on a single day, Ukrainian officials said.

The Ukrainian security agency, known as the SBU, said Wednesday that a total of 3,215 Ukrainians captured by the rebels since 2014 had now been released and that 103 remained in captivity in rebel-held territory, with dozens more held prisoner in Russia.

The United States and the European Union have each set full implementa­tion of the Minsk deal as a key condition for the lifting of economic sanctions imposed on Russia over its annexation of Crimea and its support for pro-Russia rebels in the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk.

Russia has insisted it is not involved in the conflict, despite extensive evidence that it has been sending arms, money and soldiers to support the rebel cause.

But, tiring of Western sanctions and violent infighting among separatist rebels, Moscow has shown some signs of wanting to dial down a conflict that has cost it diplomatic­ally and economical­ly.

The protracted negotiatio­ns over Wednesday’s prisoner swap involved Viktor Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian with close ties to Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin.

The Russian leader, who is up for re-election in March, saw his popularity ratings in Russia soar after he grabbed Crimea, but he has garnered no discernibl­e political benefit from Russia’s interventi­on in eastern Ukraine.

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