The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Trump rushing America toward the breaking point

- E.J. Dionne Jr. He writes for the Washington Post.

Can our government function normally when President Donald Trump tweets about his “button” being bigger than that of an armed adversary? Can there be business as usual when the word “insane” is being applied with increasing frequency to his actions, and when one of his most loyal supporters has called a meeting between Russian operatives and Trump campaign officials “treasonous”?

Only a few days into the new year, there is a striking disconnect in the nation’s capital between the ordinary and the mind-boggling — between the sorts of transactio­ns politician­s routinely make to keep the country running and displays of the irrational, the abusive and the menacing emanating from the White House.

While the news on Wednesday understand­ably focused on Steve Bannon’s treason comments in a new book by journalist Michael Wolff, 2018 has already produced two remarkable essays explaining the genuine threat the president poses to the nation’s foreign policy interests.

Susan Glasser, writing in Politico, offers frightenin­g detail about how Trump’s stunning lack of knowledge and his indifferen­ce to his own obliviousn­ess have led diplomats to label him “insane,” “catastroph­ic,” “terrifying,” “incompeten­t” and “dangerous.” Glasser concludes: “When it comes to Trump and the world, it’s not better than you think. It’s worse.”

And Evan Osnos’ carefully reported article in The New Yorker demonstrat­es how Trump’s policies — as well as his pathologic­al focus on himself, his ignorance and his astonishin­g susceptibi­lity to flattery — have weakened the U.S.’ position in Asia and played into Chinese President Xi Jinping’s reach for internatio­nal power.

On the second day of the year, Trump called on the Justice Department to “finally act” against Huma Abedin, a Hillary Clinton aide, and also against James Comey, the former FBI director he fired. Trump continued to push back against all others investigat­ing him, treating them as if they were a band of spies and traitors.

Directing the prosecutio­n of political enemies is a habit of autocrats. As Benjamin Wittes of the Brookings Institutio­n wrote, Trump is “normalizin­g for an entire political movement the politiciza­tion and weaponizat­ion of law enforcemen­t and intelligen­ce.” Is this the legacy the Republican Party wants?

In the midst of all this, Republican­s and Democrats in Congress go about their business, trying to negotiate a budget agreement to avoid a shutdown and, in the Democrats’ case, trying to protect the Dreamers and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

And, who knows, maybe we can manage with a kind of split-level politics. While we sit back and wait on Special Counsel Robert Mueller to issue his findings, we pray that regular governance will be possible because there is no other choice.

Yet doing so means continuing to absorb Trump’s blows to our system and to our country’s influence around the globe. It also requires great faith in our capacity for restoratio­n despite the readiness of the president’s allies to place his survival above the health of our polity.

The United States does have extraordin­ary gifts for self-correction. But we must face the fact that Trump is accelerati­ng us toward the breaking point. No matter how confident we are in our resilience, we should not imagine otherwise.

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