The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Senator crafts net neutrality bill

Augusta Democrat wants FCC’s recent repeal reversed in Georgia.

- By Michael E. Kanell

When the Federal Communicat­ions Commission voted to toss out “net neutrality,” consumer advocates howled that the change would limit consumer choices and hurt small businesses.

Since then, scores of Congress members have said they support the idea of reinstatin­g the rule but discussion of the idea has been largely sidetracke­d as lawmakers were distracted by other things — like this week’s government shutdown.

In the meantime, several dozen state legislatur­es have acted to reinstate the rule in their states, but Georgia hasn’t been one of them. An effort to change that is underway.

Net neutrality was intended to force internet carriers to treat all content the same.

Without net neutrality, companies might feel free to charge more for the higher-speed access, which would give an advantage to bigger companies, said state Sen. Harold Jones, D-Augusta. “Up to this point, the internet has really been looked on as a kind of public utility, a public good. Now, we are changing the definition, to look at it as a kind of economic utility.”

It is sometimes hard to galvanize support for net neutrality, he said. “It is actually very interestin­g, but it can make a layperson’s eyes glaze over. You have to go to your community and explain it.”

Telecom companies have argued for years that the rules were heavy-handed, added to costs and discourage­d investment. But some consumer advocates fear that without the rule, companies will speed up content from companies that pay more and slow down businesses that don’t.

Political bias would also be possible, critics said.

Jones said he wants the state to step into the void and reassert net neutrality — at least for Georgia.

He is preparing a bill that will

be filed shortly, he said. “The better course was to leave it in the hands of the FCC.”

The early versions of Jones’ bill, tentativel­y designated SB 310, would make it ille- gal for an internet service provider to block content, applicatio­ns or services, so long as they are lawful.

Many internet companies say they don’t need such a rule to treat consumers fairly.

For example, a statement from Atlanta-based Cox Communicat­ions on Monday reaf- firmed that the company does not “block, throttle or otherwise interfere with consumers’ desire to go where they want on the Internet.”

Cox endorses the repeal, because it returns to “light touch” regulation that will be good for internet innova- tion, said spokesman Todd Smith.

“Cox has always been committed to providing an open Internet experience for our customers, and reversing the classifica­tion of Internet services does not change our commitment,” Smith said.

Atlanta-based Cox Communicat­ions is one of three business units owned by Cox Enterprise­s. One of the other units owns The Atlanta Jour- nal-Constituti­on.

Overall, the odds would seem to be against a return to net neutrality rules in Geor- gia. Gov. Nathan Deal, for example, has opposed net neutrality in the past and expressed no problems with the FCC repeal. Through spokeswoma­n Jen Ryan, he declined comment on Jones’ proposal. “The governor doesn’t comment on pending legislatio­n,” she said. Jones so far has no Republican allies, though he argued that positions on the issue should not follow political lines. “People think it’s a partisan issue, but it’s really not. Look at small businesses. They depend on the internet.” In the state of Washington, for instance, one of those pushing for net neutrality is Norma Smith, a Republican state representa­tive.

 ?? KENT D. JOHNSON / KDJOHNSON@AJC.COM 2015 ?? State Sen. Harold Jones says the internet is a public utility.
KENT D. JOHNSON / KDJOHNSON@AJC.COM 2015 State Sen. Harold Jones says the internet is a public utility.
 ?? NETFLIX ?? Actress Winona Ryder stars in “Stranger Things,” on Netflix. Critics say the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality could allow internet providers to favor certain traffic over others.
NETFLIX Actress Winona Ryder stars in “Stranger Things,” on Netflix. Critics say the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality could allow internet providers to favor certain traffic over others.

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