The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Imani Watts: A new goal every day


‘I have so many plans, so many goals. And that’s something that I learned just being at Spelman.’

Spelman College sophomore from Los Angeles. Majoring in dance with a double minor in fashion design and business management.

I like to say that I didn’t choose Spelman. Spelman chose me. I went on tour when I was in the 8th grade and I got a chance to visit different HBCU and Spelman was one of them.

Dance is something that I’m very passionate about. My goal was to be in Alvin Ailey. So I wanted to attend Fordham University in New York so I could get a chance to train with the dancers. But then I realized that I really needed to be surrounded with my culture, because I went to a predominan­tly Hispanic high school. That’s when I decided I wanted to go to an HBCU and Spelman.

The environmen­t was very eye-opening. You’re surrounded by beautiful black women who were all achieving so much. It’s very inspiring. The thing that stood out the most to me was probably the amount of things that go on every single day. You have your academics throughout the day, but within that you have activities that are going on. You’re never bored.

I started a business on campus making hats, but now I’m making sweat shirts. I inspire a lot of my friends and people that I don’t know. They have been coming up to me, asking me, ‘How do I start my own business?’ Spelman students are very resourcefu­l. I have so many plans, so many goals. And that’s something that I learned just being at Spelman. Waking up with a new goal every single day and my goals are constantly changing.

 ??  ?? Spelman College sophomore Imani Watts says she wakes up with a new goal every day and her goals are constantly changing.
Spelman College sophomore Imani Watts says she wakes up with a new goal every day and her goals are constantly changing.
 ??  ?? “I started a business on campus making hats, but now I’m making sweat shirts,” says Imani Watts of Spelman College.
“I started a business on campus making hats, but now I’m making sweat shirts,” says Imani Watts of Spelman College.

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