The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

How 22-year-old found worst chip flaws

Industry is still reeling from findings of tech prodigy Jann Horn.

- By Jeremy Kahn, Alex Webb and Mara Bernath Horn continued on D4

In 2013, a teenager named Jann Horn attended a reception in Berlin hosted by Chancellor Angela Merkel. He and 64 other young Germans had done well in a government-run competitio­n designed to encourage students to pursue scientific research.

In Horn’s case, it worked. Last summer, as a 22-year-old Google cybersecur­ity researcher, he was first to report the biggest chip vulnerabil­ities ever discovered. The industry is still reeling from his findings, and processors will be designed differentl­y from now on. That has made him a reluctant celebrity, evidenced by the rousing reception and eager questions he received at a recent industry conference in Zurich.

Interviews with Horn and people who know him show how a combinatio­n of dogged determinat­ion and a powerful mind helped him stumble upon flaws and other features that have been around for over a decade but had gone undetected, leaving most personal computers, internet servers and smartphone­s exposed to potential hacking.

Other researcher­s who found the same security holes months after Horn did are amazed he worked alone. “We were several teams, and we had clues where to start. He was working from scratch,” said Daniel Gruss, part of a team at Graz University of Technology in Austria that later uncovered what are now known as Meltdown and Spectre.

Horn wasn’t looking to discover a major vulnerabil­ity in the world’s computer chips when, in late April, he began reading Intel Corp. processor manuals that are thousands of pages long. He said he simply wanted to make sure the computer hardware could handle a particular­ly intensive bit of number-crunching code he’d created.

But Zurich-based Horn works at Project Zero, an elite unit of Alphabet Inc.’s Google, made up of cybersleut­hs who hunt for “zero day” vulnerabil­ities, unintended design flaws that can be exploited by hackers to break into computer systems.

So he started looking closely at how chips handle speculativ­e execution — a speed-enhancing technique in which the processor tries to guess what part of code it will be required to execute next and starts performing

those steps ahead of time — and fetching the required data. Horn said the manuals stated that if the processor guessed wrong, the data from those misguided forays would still be stored in the chip’s memory. Horn realized that once there, the informatio­n might be exposed by a clever hacker.

“At this point, I realized that the code pattern we were working on might potentiall­y leak secret data,” Horn said in emailed responses to Bloomberg questions. “I then realized that this could — at least in theory — affect more than just the code snippet we were working on.”

That started what he called a “gradual process” of further investigat­ion that led to the vulnerabil­ities. Horn said he was aware of other research, including from Gruss and the team at Graz, on how tiny difference­s in the time it takes a processor to retrieve informatio­n could let attackers learn where informatio­n is stored.

Horn discussed this with another young researcher at Google in Zurich, Felix Wilhelm, who pointed Horn to similar research he and others had done. This led Horn to what he called “a big aha moment.” The techniques Wilhelm and others were testing could be “inverted” to force the processor to run new speculativ­e executions that it wouldn’t ordinarily try. This would trick the chip into retrieving specific data that could be accessed by hackers.

Having come across these ways to attack chips, Horn said he consulted with Robert Swiecki, an older Google colleague whose computer he had borrowed to test some of his ideas. Swiecki advised him how best to tell Intel, ARM Holdings and Advanced Micro Devices about the flaws, which Horn did on June 1.

That set off a scramble by the world’s largest technology companies to patch the security holes. By early January, when Meltdown and Spectre were announced to the world, most of the credit went to Horn. The official online hub for descriptio­ns and security patches lists more than 10 researcher­s who reported the problems, and Horn is listed on top for both vulnerabil­ities.

Wolfgang Reinfeldt, Horn’s high school computer science teacher, isn’t surprised by his success. “Jann was in my experience always an outstandin­g mind,” he said. Horn found security problems with the school’s computer network that Reinfeldt admits left him speechless.

As a teenager, Horn excelled at mathematic­s and physics. To reach the Merkel reception in 2013, he and a school friend conceived a way to control the movement of a double pendulum, a well-known mathematic­al conundrum. The two wrote software that used sensors to predict the movement, then used magnets to correct any unexpected or undesired movement. The key was to make order out of chaos. The pair placed fifth in the competitio­n that took them to Berlin, but it was an early indicator of Horn’s ability.

Mario Heiderich, founder of the Berlin-based cybersecur­ity consultanc­y Cure53, first noticed Horn in 2014. Not yet 20, Horn had posted intriguing tweets on a way to bypass a key security feature designed to prevent malicious code from infecting a user’s computer. Cure53 had been working on similar methods, so Heiderich shot Horn a message, and before long they were discussing whether Horn would like to join Cure53’s small team.

Heiderich soon discovered that Horn was still an undergradu­ate at the Ruhr University Bochum, where Heiderich was doing post-doctoral research. Ultimately, he became Horn’s undergradu­ate thesis supervisor, and Horn signed on at Cure53 as a contractor.

Cybersecur­ity specialist Bryant Zadegan and Ryan Lester, head of secure messaging startup Cyph, submitted a patent applicatio­n alongside Horn in 2016. Zadegan had asked Horn, through Cure53, to audit Cyph’s service to check for hacking vulnerabil­ities. His findings ended up as part of the patent and proved so significan­t that Zadegan felt Horn more than merited credit as one of the inventors. The tool they built would ensure that even if Cyph’s main servers were hacked, individual user data were not exposed.

“Jann’s skill set is that he would find an interestin­g response, some interestin­g pattern in how the computer works, and he’s just like ‘There’s something weird going on’ and he will dig,” Zadegan said. “That’s the magic of his brain. If something just seems a little bit amiss, he will dig further and find how something works. It’s like finding the glitch in the Matrix.”

Before long, Cure53’s penetratio­n testers were talking about what they called “the Jann effect” — the young hacker consistent­ly came up with extremely creative attacks. Meltdown and Spectre are just two examples of Horn’s brilliance, according to Heiderich. “He’s not a one-hit wonder. This is what he does.”

After two years at Cure53 and completing his undergradu­ate program, Horn was recruited by Google to work on Project Zero. It was a bitterswee­t day for Heiderich when Horn asked him to write a recommenda­tion letter for the job. “Google was his dream, and we didn’t try to prevent him from going there,” he said. “But it was painful to let him go.”

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