The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Grandparen­ts won’t visit newborn twins

- Carolyn Hax Email Carolyn at tellme@, follow her on Facebook at www.facebook. com/carolyn.hax or chat with her online at noon Eastern time each Friday at www. washington­ Tell Me About It

Hi, Carolyn: My wife and I had twins this past summer, and most of our family has cycled through and visited them. All, that is, except for her parents. We’ve received excuses like he had a surgery and can’t travel (outpatient surgery in May), it’s too expensive (we’ve offered to pay), and it’s just too cold to travel now.

Talking to my sister-inlaw recently, we learned

the issue is that we’re housing all visitors in a nearby hotel (within walk

ing distance!). We have a condo, and there really isn’t that much room, and I just don’t feel comfortabl­e hosting them in a now-cramped space like we did before the birth of the babies.

Apparently they feel they’re not welcome and we (rather I) don’t really want them there.

I’m quite lost on what to do. I don’t want to do something that prevents the twins from know

ing their grandparen­ts, but really, a small condo

with four adults and two infants is just not a good recipe. Help! —Apparently the Ogre Carolyn says: My warmest congratula- tions on the twins, and my deepest condolence­s on the in-laws who don’t

know how to use their words.

Your sister-in-law was decent to form mature speech on their behalf, and not only that — she

also gave you the advantage of knowing (I presume) without your inlaws knowing you know. Keep it that way.

That means you can talk to your in-laws about this as if everything is dandy —a facade they seem to want to maintain through those thin excuses — while also addressing the real problems.

First, there’s the ogre problem. To mitigate that, you need to be the one extending enthusias

tic invitation­s for them to visit. “I can’t wait for you to meet your grandkids. How does [suggested date] sound? If it works, I’ll buy the tickets today.” You. On the phone. Today.

Second, there’s the offsite-housing problem. To mitigate that, express whatever regret you can honestly express: “Of course we’d want nothing more than to have you/everyone stay with us as usual. All those babies took care of that, though.”

The second message is actually best delivered by your wife. They see you as the ogre who doesn’t want them, so you issue the invitation; they don’t see your wife as pro-hotel, so she insists on the hotel. Present a pointedly united front.

It’s no guarantee, of course. People who want to believe something will do so despite any and all evidence to the contrary. (Ahem.)

But you can make sure their only options are either to rethink their position based on new evidence, or to cling to it with little valid defense.

You can also, of course, just host them in the condo, but on a superficia­l level that’s a decision to invite sleepless chaos, of which I’m sure you have more than enough right now. Routine is often all that stands between par

ents of multiples and the emotional cliff, and it’s hard to think of a more effective routine-buster than houseguest­s in tight quarters who come with specific expectatio­ns but don’t use their words.

Speakin gof—if your inlaws do ever visit, I hope you can invite them into your routines so they can see how things work, feel invested themselves, and maybe gin up some empathy.

Anyway. On a deeper level, housing your inlaws in the condo would be a choice to appease the irrational people who are complainin­g about you behind your back, which is a step you should neither take lightly nor without your wife’s full agreement and support.

You’d have to agree(1) that it’s worth it to you (meaning, yourselves, each other and your babies) to make a onetime exception, and (2) that you’re both strong and committed enough to put the boundary back afterward and keep it there. If the boundary is still needed, that is; one weekend in a fishbowl with four adults and two babies might be sufficient to prompt your in-laws to have an ideologica­l conversion on the matter of bunking as one.

The decision to try this is a lot to manage. Think

and talk it through carefully.

If it helps, you won’t always have to manage exactly this problem under exactly these circumstan­ces; time means change, and change is rarely plainer to witness

than in children. A hotel now doesn’t mean your

kids won’t know their grandparen­ts ever. (And if it does, by some fluke, then that will have been said elders’ choice, not yours.) Your problem now is in many ways a problem only of now — and it’s OK to see it that way as it suits.

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