The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Trump sees military parade as tribute to his own power

- E.J. Dionne Jr. He writes for the Washington Post.

Military parades, “treasonous” opponents — do you sense a pattern here?

President Donald Trump is such a master of the politics of distractio­n that everything he says and does is assumed to be a diversion from something more important, the Russia collusion issue above all.

It’s certainly true that in Trump’s exotic circus of scandal and outrage, many stories that would have engulfed earlier administra­tions roll right off the back of the news cycle. Consider, for starters, his profiting while president from his resorts and golf clubs, his alleged payoff of a porn star, and the resignatio­n of the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over conflicts of interest.

On the substance of policy, he can govern largely by stealth. Discussion of the decisions his administra­tion has made on a range of regulatory, environmen­tal, labor, health care and tax matters gets pushed to the bottom of the public agenda.

It will thus be tempting to dismiss Trump’s desire to have a big military parade as yet another ploy to change the subject. Trump knows perfectly well that many liberals are uneasy with massive demonstrat­ions of military strength, so some who might raise their voices in dissent could draw back out of fear that he is baiting them and that they’ll play into his hands. Trump clearly longs to be the lead figure on the reviewing stand gazing out on the tanks and missiles as a tribute to his own power, while casting his critics as unpatrioti­c foes of our men and women in uniform.

But this is precisely why his parade proposal should be treated as dangerous and not simply another bout of Trumpian ego enhancemen­t. It comes within days of Trump’s charge that Democrats who did not stand and cheer him during his State of the Union address could be guilty of “treason.”

When a leader who often praises strongmen abroad defines routine political opposition as disloyalty to country and then suggests hauling out the military to march in our streets as he looks down from on high, friends of freedom should take notice. Those who challenge the portrayals of Trump as an authoritar­ian or an autocrat because our freedoms are still intact miss the point. In enduring democracie­s such as ours, liberty is eroded slowly by politician­s who undermine the norms and practices that protect it. There is good reason why we have not made military parades a standard part of our patriotic repertoire.

Trump said he got this idea from France, our democratic ally whose Bastille Day military procession goes back 138 years. This gives him cover because spectacles of the sort Trump has in mind are associated less with free nations than with dictatorsh­ips in Russia, North Korea, China, and the totalitari­an regimes of the 1930s.

The United States, born in republican opposition to royalist rule, has been reticent about flaunting our formidable arsenal, typically limiting such displays to celebratio­ns of war victories. This is in keeping with a tradition that regularly honors those who sacrifice to defend our country, but resolutely limits the political role of the armed forces.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, the last great general to serve as president, urged “an alert and knowledgea­ble citizenry” to mesh the “huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” Trump’s parade is the antithesis of Ike’s prudence and his commitment to safeguardi­ng our democracy.

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