The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



Today’s deal arose in the Reisinger Board-a-Match Teams at the Fall NABC. This event is demanding; just making it to the final day is tough. Your team plays each deal against just one other team. You win it or lose it.

There is a difference between taking reasonable risks and indulging in wild, undiscipli­ned actions. West was wild — or maybe way behind and trying to catch up: He opened a weak two spades on an atypical hand. East’s 2NT asked for more informatio­n, and South doubled. East doubled North’s three-diamond response, and when South tried three hearts, West mastermind­ed a double.

East overtook the first spade with the ace to lead a trump. Declarer won in dummy, led a club to his king and conceded a club. He won the next trump, ruffed a club in dummy, came to his ace of diamonds, drew trumps, conceded a club and claimed nine tricks, plus 730.

I will say that West’s actions are not my idea of how to play bridge.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 6 ♥ AK873 ◆ A 6 ♣ K 10 6 4 2. You open one heart, your partner responds one spade, you bid two clubs and he rebids two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner probably has a six-card suit but surely has fewer than 10 points. Since game is most unlikely, and his hand will take some tricks only if his long suit is trumps, pass. A club partscore might be a better spot, but to persist in the face of a misfit is wrong.

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