The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

It’s vintage Tiger, but a lot more fun now

- Steve Hummer

Tiger PALM HARBOR, FLA. — Woods on a leaderboar­d once was the most common sight in golf, right up there with ugly pants and bad tan lines.

Then life played through. He suffered a ruptured moral compass. And his back filed for Social Security decades ahead of the rest of him.

So, now Woods is challengin­g at a cute little tournament that normally he wouldn’t have even flown over in his private jet. And it is news of end-of-theworld, presidenti­al-Tweet proportion­s.

On Saturday at the Valspar Championsh­ip, Woods shot a second consecutiv­e sub-70 round — again, what was once commonplac­e is something he hasn’t done in an official event since 2015. That left him at 8 under after three rounds, in a three-way tie for second and just one back of the enigma named Corey Conners.

Let’s see, it’s Woods, winner of 14 majors, chasing a Monday qualifier, and a mild-mannered

Canadian, to boot. Doesn’t seem quite fair, does it?

To make things a little more even-handed, he’s tied with an Olympic champion and major winner ( Justin Rose) and a buddy who completely understand­s the even temperamen­t required to play in the vortex created by Woods (Brandt Snedeker).

In just his 13th competitiv­e round since his return from spinal-fusion surgery, Woods put on his most uplifting exhibition yet. He shot a 4-under 67, the

lowest number thus far in his comeback tour. So lightheart­ed was Woods on Saturday, that just months after wondering if he would be competitiv­e again, he was seen at one point skipping like a schoolboy after making a putt.

“I can confirm he’s back, the roars are back,” said Snedeker, who already has been paired four times with Woods this year, including Saturday. And he’ll play with him again in the penultimat­e pairing today.

Every round here, on a course he hasn’t visited in 22 years, has been illuminati­ng. Just as each has been progressiv­ely promising, until by the weekend he managed to completely rewrite the expectatio­ns preceding him to Augusta and a highly anticipate­d return to the Masters.

In case you might have forgotten as Woods spent the past four-plus years not winning anything (since winning five times in 2013), he’s kind of a big deal in golf.

The impact can be quantified beyond the leaderboar­d.

The Golf Channel, for instance, reported its firstround ratings were up 205 percent from a year ago at the Valspar. Yeah, go ahead and keep saying Woods still doesn’t drive this bus.

And the crowds at this once rather sleepy event have been downright riotous. Usually you have to liberate France from the Nazis to get the kind of reception that greets each Woods birdie.

“The people were pumped up,” said Joe LaCava, Woods’ caddie. “He’s back in action, and everyone’s rooting for him. ... They get a little carried away at times and you’ve got to calm ’em down.”

An obviously pumped Woods is one of nine players within four shots of Conners’ lead, and one of 16 within five of the lead.

“I’m excited. I’ve been ready to go. I’m excited to play. It’s going to be fun,” he said.

Where before it was routine, dog-bites-man stuff when Woods lurked on a leaderboar­d, it’s such a better story now.

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