The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Consumer protection­s in U.S. being eroded

Federal regulators less aggressive than their predecesso­rs.

- By Renae Merle The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump and the regulators he appointed are taking a far less aggressive approach to consumer protection than their predecesso­rs, delaying key regulation­s and imposing fewer penalties against financial institutio­ns and other corporatio­ns accused of wrongdoing, according to a Washington Post review of available data and interviews with consumer advocates and government officials.

At the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, for example, enforcemen­t actions have dropped from an average of threeto-five each month during the past four years down to zero since a Trump appointee took charge of the agency in late November.

The Labor Department has delayed full implementa­tion of a rule requiring financial advisers to act in their clients’ best interest.

And the Department of Education has withdrawn Obama-era regulation­s meant to strengthen protection­s for student borrowers.

The new approach - welcomed by banks and business leaders has alarmed consumer advocates who fear it gives an advantage to Wall Street and other powerful industries while leaving ordinary Americans more susceptibl­e to fraud, discrimina­tion and predatory lending.

“There hasn’t been a lot that has been methodical about this presidency, but I do think Trump is systematic­ally dismantlin­g consumer protection­s,” said Mark Totten, a Michigan State University law professor who studies the enforcemen­t of consumer protection laws and a 2014 Democratic candidate for Michigan attorney general.

The new direction affects agencies that touch nearly every aspect of consumer life, advocates say - from how Americans access credit and car loans to the safety of cribs and cellphones.

The regulatory pullback illustrate­s a philosophi­cal difference over how best to protect consumers. Barack Obama, in response to the financial crisis that rocked the first year of his presidency, attempted to rein in Wall Street and big banks with tighter regulation of the banking system. He wielded his executive power to force change in other industries, as well.

Critics accused Obama of acting by regulatory fiat. They blamed his administra­tion for imposing costly regulatory burdens that stymied businesses and hurt the people it claimed to help by, for instance, making it more difficult for consumers to secure loans.

“For too long, the guise of consumer protection has been used to benefit trial lawyers, government bureaucrac­ies, and ambitious politician­s looking for their next job,” Lindsay Walters, deputy White House press secretary, said in a statement. “The Trump administra­tion has put the focus of consumer protection back where it belongs: on protecting consumers and enabling them to make better decisions for themselves.”

Case in point: Trump proclaimed March 4-10 as “National Consumer Protection Week,” saying it is “an opportunit­y for Americans to learn about their consumer rights” so they can better protect themselves from predatory practices, identity theft and fraud.

Nowhere is Trump’s deregulato­ry efforts more evident than at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an independen­t watchdog agency establishe­d after the financial crisis that has delivered more than $12 billion in consumer relief to more than 29 million people.

Trump, in this 2019 budget plan released last month, proposed cutting the agency’s budget and restrictin­g its enforcemen­t powers “to prevent actions that unduly burden the financial industry and limit consumer choice.”

He installed White House budget director Mick Mulvaney, who once compared government regulation­s to a “slow cancer” and called the bureau a “joke,” as the bureau’s interim leader last November.

In his short time in the job, Mulvaney has launched a top-to-bottom review of how it operates. The agency’s five-year strategic vision statement, released in February, says it will now act with “humility and moderation.”

Last week, Mulvaney told a gathering of credit union executives what many had been clamoring to hear: “We are not going to bend over backward to try to come up with creative ways to sue people just because we have the authority to do that.”

The CFPB, which has not filed any new enforcemen­t cases since he took charge, would increasing­ly defer to state regulators and attorneys generals rather than file its own lawsuits, he told a group of state attorneys general also in Washington last week for a conference. “Why we think we know better how to protect consumers in your state than you do surprises me a little bit,” Mulvaney said. “I don’t think you’ll be seeing us do much of that anymore.”

Already, Mulvaney has bolstered the hopes of payday lenders who were repeatedly targeted under the Obama administra­tion with high-dollar fines. The bureau in January dropped a nearly fouryear-old investigat­ion into a subprime lender that allegedly charged customers exorbitant interest rates. It also dropped a lawsuit against four payday lenders that charged interest rates as high as 950 percent.

A bureau spokespers­on said the CFPB does not comment on the status of investigat­ions and is reviewing all lawsuits and inquiries instigated by the previous leadership. But Mulvaney noted recently that several state attorneys general had objected to the lawsuit filed against the payday lenders.

The bureau is also reconsider­ing a rule that requires payday lenders to verify that borrowers can afford their debts and which caps the number of times someone can take out successive loans.

Trump is “trying to cut everything off at the root as quickly as possible,” said Charles Gabriel, an analyst with Washington-based research firm Capital Alpha Partners, adding that any vestige of Trump’s populist campaign rhetoric has “fallen by the wayside.”

Mulvaney’s takeover of the agency has also been encouragin­g for auto lenders, several of which faced multimilli­on dollar fines after a 2013 crackdown on business practices that the bureau alleged led to minority borrowers being charged higher interest rates than whites. Many auto lenders lashed out at the CFPB’s investigat­ions, while others, such as BB & T, made significan­t changes to how they did business.

“The CFPB came in with an iron club and made us change the way we priced our products,” Kelly King, chief executive of BB & T, said in a January call with analysts.

After Mulvaney took control of the bureau, he stripped its fair lending office of its enforcemen­t powers. The CFPB now appears less likely to pursue such cases, giving auto lenders some relief, industry analysts said. BB & T, for example, recently announced it would return to its previous auto financing model.

The regulatory shift, often following lobbying by various industries, reaches beyond the consumer protection bureau.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, last spring, revoked Obama-era directives that penalized student loan servicing companies for poor service and held companies accountabl­e for providing borrowers with accurate and timely informatio­n about their debt.

Her actions, which consumer advocates say place student borrowers at greater risk of default, followed complaints from companies that the demands would be expensive and unnecessar­ily time consuming.

DeVos has cast her rollbacks as necessary reforms to complex policies. She has also delayed forgiving the loans of students defrauded by for-profit colleges.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission also appears to be easing enforcemen­t now that Trump has nominated Republican Ann Marie Buerkle to head the agency, said Rachel Weintraub, legislativ­e director and general counsel of the advocacy group Consumer Federation of America.

As commission­er, Buerkle routinely voted against civil penalties for companies that failed to promptly report product safety problems. Of the 21 settlement votes during her nearly five-year tenure, she rejected 16, according to a Post review of public records.

Since Buerkle was named acting chair last February, the commission has overemphas­ized “collaborat­ing” with manufactur­ers instead of investigat­ing them and potentiall­y assessing penalties, said commission­er Elliot Kaye, a Democrat who had been chairman of the commission under Obama.

“More often than not, collaborat­ion seems to be a code word for capitulati­on by the agency,” said Kaye, who is barred from discussing specific cases.

Buerkle said in a statement to the Post that her commitment to consumer safety has not changed and noted that Democrats, for the time being, still hold a slim majority on the commission.

“We should not be hoping for multimilli­on dollar penalties,” Buerkle wrote in 2016 before assuming the active chair position. “We should be hoping for zero penalties.”

The commission has yet to issue any penalties for the 2018 fiscal year, which began in October. It negotiated six penalties in the 2017 fiscal year averaging $4.9 million each and five penalties in 2016 averaging $6.3 million each, according to a Post analysis.

 ?? ALEX BRANDON / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney once compared government regulation­s to a “slow cancer” and called the bureau a “joke” as the bureau’s interim leader last November.
ALEX BRANDON / ASSOCIATED PRESS Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney once compared government regulation­s to a “slow cancer” and called the bureau a “joke” as the bureau’s interim leader last November.

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