The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Make this Easter a banner holiday

- By Sandi Genovese Tribune News Service

I have great childhood memories of Easter. Every year my dad gave my mom, sister and myself a corsage, and a boutonnier­e for my brother. Looking back at my photos, every year is the same…fancy dresses, baskets filled with colored eggs and carnation corsages. To this day, when I smell carnations, it takes me back to those Easter photos in the backyard.

Why not begin an Easter tradition of your own? Consider crafting with your kids in the creation of an Easter banner. There is the fun of making it, then the pride of displaying it and finally the thrill of saving it to bring back in the years to come. A banner can be hung from the fireplace mantel, to be enjoyed by every visitor to your home and reminding you of the fun you all had making it.

One option is to fold constructi­on paper, then cut out letters to spell an Easter greeting with the folded edge at the top of each letter. The fold is important because it makes it possible to hang the letters on a length of ribbon or yarn.

A cheaper alternativ­e is to substitute paint chips (available at any home improvemen­t store) for the constructi­on paper. Cut the paint chips into egg shapes and fasten letter stickers on top to display the greeting. Separate the words in the greeting with an Easter themed design like a carrot or bunny. To avoid folding the paint chips, it’s easy to punch two small holes in the top of the eggs in order to hang them with a long piece of silk cord.

Create a tradition for your family with a little Easter crafting. Your kids will love helping to create a banner and will be proud to display it from now until Easter. After April 1, store it for next year and every year thereafter, and your tradition is born.

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