The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Erdogan says Turks will continue going after Syrian Kurds

Turkish president meets with Russia, Iran on end to war.

- By Suzan Fraser

ANKARA, TURKEY — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday his military “won’t stop” trying to oust Syrian Kurdish fighters from northern Syria, as he met with the leaders of Russia and Iran for talks on trying to resolve the conflict.

The three countries, which have teamed up to work for a Syria settlement despite their difference­s, reaffirmed their commitment to Syria’s territoria­l integrity and the continuati­on of local ceasefires. They called on the internatio­nal community to provide more aid for war-ravaged Syria.

Erdogan, President Vladimir Putin of Russia and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani were holding their second summit to discuss Syria’s future since attending a similar meeting in Sochi, Russia, in November.

Russia and Iran have provided crucial support to President Bashar Assad’s forces, while Turkey has backed the rebels seeking to overthrow him.

Speaking at a joint news conference, Erdogan said Turkish troops, which last month took control of the northweste­rn Kurdish enclave of Afrin, would move eastward into Manbij and other areas controlled by the U.S.-backed militia, the Peoples’ Protection Units, or YPG, which Turkey considers to be terrorists.

“I say here once again that we will not stop until we have made safe all areas controlled by the (YPG), starting with Manbij,” Erdogan said.

He stressed that Turkey’s fight against the YPG would not distract from efforts to eliminate the remnants of Islamic State group from the country.

Wednesday’s summit came as the White House said its military mission to eradicate IS in Syria was coming to a “rapid end,” though it offered no timetable for withdrawal of the roughly 2,000 U.S. troops currently in Syria as part of an American-led coalition fighting the Islamic militants since 2014. President Donald Trump had said a day earlier that the U.S.’s primary mission was to defeat IS and “we’ve almost completed that task.”

With allies anxious about a hasty U.S. withdrawal, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday that the U.S. would stay in wartorn Syria to finish off the job of defeating the Islamic State group and was committed to eliminatin­g the militants’ “small” presence that “our forces have not already eradicated.”

Trump’s comments conflict with views of his top military advisers, some of whom spoke at a separate event in Washington on Tuesday about the need to stay in Iraq and Syria to finish off the militant group.

Asked about a possible U.S. pullout, Rouhani suggested Wednesday that the U.S. threat to withdraw from Syria was an excuse for soliciting money from countries that want U.S. forces to remain there.

“One day they say they want to pull out of Syria . ... Then it turns out that they are craving money,” he said. “They have told Arab countries to give them money to remain in Syria.”

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