The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Israeli human rights group urges troops to refuse orders in Gaza

Unusual statement an effort to stop killing at border.

- By Josef Federman

JERUSALEM — A leading Israel human rights group urged Israeli forces in a rare step Wednesday to disobey open-fire orders unless Gaza protesters pose an imminent threat to soldiers’ lives.

B’Tselem said the appeal is a last-ditch attempt to prevent more bloodshed on the volatile Gaza-Israel border.

Nineteen Palestinia­ns have been killed by Israeli fire in Gaza since last Friday, including 14 in border protests. More large demonstrat­ions are expected along the border this Friday.

B’Tselem has never before called on soldiers to refuse orders, but believes firing on Palestinia­ns who pose no imminent threat to the lives of Israeli forces is “manifestly illegal,” said spokesman Amit Gilutz.

“As long as soldiers in the field continue to receive orders to use live fire against unarmed civilians, they are duty-bound to refuse to comply,” the group said.

The Israeli military has said its tough response is justified because the protests were organized by Hamas, an Islamic militant group sworn to Israel’s destructio­n.

It said soldiers only targeted “instigator­s” who burned tires or threw stones and firebombs toward the border fence. The military accused Hamas of using the large crowds as cover to carry out attacks.

In one instance, a pair of gunmen approached the border, and the army said protesters also tried to plant explosives along the fence in several instances.

But in other incidents,

some caught on video, those shot appeared to have been unarmed and not actively involved in violence at the time they were struck.

B’Tselem said that while Israel has the right to defend its border, it is still bound by internatio­nal norms for the use of live fire. The group said that simply approachin­g the fence, and even damaging it, does not provide grounds for using lethal force, and that Israel had other options for dispersing the crowds.

“The provisions limit its use to instances involving tangible and immediate mortal danger, and only in the absence of any other alternativ­e,” the group said. “Israel cannot simply decide that it is not bound by these rules.”

Israel’s military is the country’s most respected institutio­n, and such criticism, even from a dovish group, is relatively rare. B’Tselem said it would be publishing newspaper ads and take other steps to publicize its campaign.

The Israeli military did

not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

But the country’s defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said Tuesday that the military will not change its tactics and warned that anyone who approaches the border is risking his life. The tough comments raised the possibilit­y of more bloodshed this Friday, when another mass protest is expected.

On Wednesday, the head of the Arab League called on the Internatio­nal Criminal Court in The Hague to investigat­e the deaths of Palestinia­ns killed in Gaza since Friday. Ahmed AboulGheit also said he supports a call by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for an independen­t investigat­ion of the events on the border.

Hamas is organizing six weeks of on-and-off border protests in what it says is a campaign to draw attention to a crippling border blockade.

Both Israel and Egypt have maintained a blockade since Hamas seized control

of Gaza in 2007 in an attempt to weaken the militant group. But the measures have devastated Gaza’s economy, while failing to oust Hamas.

Israel said Wednesday it has arrested 10 Palestinia­ns suspected of planning an attack against a navy ship off the Gaza coast.

The Shin Bet security service said the interrogat­ion of the cell’s alleged leader revealed a plan to send a decoy boat from Gaza to distract the navy ship while another would fire a rocket at it. The plan called for militants to then try to abduct wounded sailors and keep them as bargaining chips for future prisoner swaps.

Amin Jamaa was being indicted Wednesday at a court in southern Israel.

The Shin Bet identified him and his cohorts as members of the Islamic Jihad militant group and said they were abusing the easing of Israeli restrictio­ns on Gaza fisherman to collect intelligen­ce on Israel’s naval operations along the coast.

 ?? KHALIL HAMRA / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Relatives of 25-year-old Ahmed Arafa, who was shot and killed Tuesday by Israeli troops during the ongoing protest along the Gaza Strip border with Israel, mourn at his funeral in Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip, Wednesday.
KHALIL HAMRA / ASSOCIATED PRESS Relatives of 25-year-old Ahmed Arafa, who was shot and killed Tuesday by Israeli troops during the ongoing protest along the Gaza Strip border with Israel, mourn at his funeral in Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip, Wednesday.

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