The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


The news that CIA Director Mike Pompeo met secretly with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un over the Easter weekend suggests that the United States is moving closer to summit mode. And President Donald Trump has given his “blessing” to next week’s meeting be

- By John Delury | Washington Post

Could a U.S.-North Korea summit actually work?

The prospect of a Trump-Kim summit has given rise to widespread concerns over unrealisti­c expectatio­ns, nefarious intentions or whether Trump will be prepared to negotiate. And questions abound as to Kim’s motives for coming to the table now, as well as his ultimate theory of victory.

Kim seems ready to negotiate

On the North Korean side of the equation, three factors might mitigate the risks inherent in a face-to-face meeting — and perhaps open a path to real progress.

First, Kim appears to be ready for serious bargaining now that he is in a strong domestic and internatio­nal position. Technical success in North Korea’s weapons program helped to consolidat­e the foundation­s of power at home while also strengthen­ing his bargaining position internatio­nally.

Kim may have the confidence to accept credible security guarantees that come with building a “permanent peace regime,” assuming Trump offers them. In return, Kim looks strong enough to make real concession­s in halting, dismantlin­g and eliminatin­g his strategic weapons program in return.

Second, Kim’s ultimate ambition is to develop his country’s economy, which would require sanctions relief and financial integratio­n. Offering a path for Kim to achieve his aim of a normalized, prosperous North Korea provides a second pillar for a cooperativ­e framework.

Third, given North Korea’s autocratic system, Trump’s impulse to meet in person with Kim opens up transforma­tive potential to jump-start momentum.

What explains the timing of Kim’s coming out this year?

In a word, confidence.

When Kim was thrust into the role of supreme leader after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il, in December 2011, he had to seize the levers of power, eliminate internal challenger­s and build domestic legitimacy. He reshuffled key figures in the family, party, military and government hierarchie­s.

This came with moments of Shakespear­ean brutality. Kim ordered his uncle executed in Pyongyang on charges of treason and is thought to have had his elder half brother assassinat­ed in the Kuala Lumpur airport. As recently as October, Kim replaced his No. 2 official, ensuring loyalty across the ruling structure.

The dramatic success of North Korean missile and nuclear testing last year contribute­d to the young leader’s sense of confidence. After the sixth nuclear test in September and third ICBM test in November, Kim declared his Strategic Rocket Force to be “complete,” and with it, a reliable deterrent against aggression.

With his domestic position secure and internatio­nal standing enhanced, Kim pivoted toward dialogue and diplomacy — sending his sister to South Korea, along with athletes and cheerleade­rs who participat­ed in the Winter Olympics.

Kim is scheduled to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in on April 27. The Kim-Trump summit seems increasing­ly likely in May or June. Kim’s recent visit to Beijing was a key signal of confidence, demonstrat­ing he can leave the country along with his wife and top aides and not face a coup plot in his absence — as happened to his grandfathe­r in 1956 — or an assassinat­ion attempt on the road, which happened to his father in 2003.

North Korea wants to move from ICBMs to SEZs

Some analysts see in Kim’s flurry of activity not confidence, but signs of desperatio­n as sanctions bite and the “maximum pressure campaign” sinks in. But there are no indicators that the North Korean economy is tottering on the brink.

Commodity prices and the value of the local currency remain stable. Travelers are not coming out with new tales of destitutio­n, and there is no surge of economic refugees. Sanctions, however, keep Kim from achieving his ultimate ambition — what he wants at least as ardently as a nuclear deterrent — making North Korea a wealthy country.

Kim telegraphe­d these economic developmen­t ambitions five years ago, when he unveiled his signature strategic line known in Korean as byungjin, or “dual progress,” which includes special economic zones, or SEZs. The first prong is achieving an independen­t security guarantee in the form of a nuclear deterrent, which has progressed incontrove­rtibly under Kim’s leadership.

But the second promise of byungjin is to develop the civilian economy, and that has failed to keep up with the extraordin­ary pace of missile testing. Although North Korea has witnessed modest growth under Kim, it remains a poor and backward country that lags far behind its East Asian neighbors. Until Kim gets a security breakthrou­gh that allows for lifting sanctions and integratin­g into the regional and global economy, North Korea will never catch up.

Kim’s new diplomacy should be understood as part of the unfolding of byungjin, and likely signals a pivot from security to prosperity, isolation to integratio­n, ICBMs to SEZs.

Working from the top down

Kim’s political confidence and economic ambitions have created an opening for the Trump administra­tion to get clear, simple and significan­t steps on denucleari­zation as the United States and South Korea make reciprocal moves toward peace and developmen­t.

Impulsive or not, Trump’s decision to meet with Kim is well calibrated to the hierarchic­al nature of the North Korean system, where progress requires starting at the top. In this regard, Trump’s unconventi­onal willingnes­s to meet face to face with the “supreme leader” himself may turn out to be an asset.

There will be symbolism

North Korean propaganda organs can be expected to play up the summit as a victory for their country and its leader. But for Kim, the substance of the agreements reached as well as the symbolism of sitting down with the president of the United States will allow him to accelerate the pivot from ruling over a poor, militant state to governing a normal, prospering one.

 ?? ERIN SCHAFF / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s visit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un suggests the summit between Kim and President Donald Trump is on track.
ERIN SCHAFF / THE NEW YORK TIMES CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s visit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un suggests the summit between Kim and President Donald Trump is on track.

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