The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Full recovery anticipate­d for Trump’s top economic adviser

- By Alex Wayne

President Donald Trump’ s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, is expected to recover fully after suffering a mild heart attack in the U.S. shortly before the president’s nuclear summit

with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a White House aide said Tuesday.

“The great@ larry_ kud low is expected to make a full and speedy recovery after a very mild heart attack. Larry is one of the smartest, most endearing, funniest people I know. ‘Hogie’ is praying for you!” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a Twitter posting.

Trump announced Kudlow’s heart attack in a tweet from Singapore shortly before meeting with Kim.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement that Kudlow experience­d “avery mild heart attack” and had been admitted Monday to Walter Reed Military Medical Center.

Kudlow’s wife, Judy, said he was doing “fine,” Washington Post reporter Robert Costa said in a Twitter posting. Costa said Kudlow was “up and talking” and had spoken by phone with conservati­ve economist Art Laffer, citing two people close to Kudlow.

Kudlow, a former economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan and a Wall Street economist, has played a key role in ongoing trade talks, including disputes with China that led Trump to threaten tariffs. Kud low, along with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, is knownas an advocate within the administra­tion of more robust trade in opposition to more protection­ist views advocated by trade adviser Peter Navarro.

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