The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Pompeo hears Turkey’s Khashoggi case theories

- By Suzan Fraser, Fay Abuelgasim and Jon Gambrell

ANKARA, TURKEY — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo received a firsthand briefing Wednesday on Turkey’s claims that Jamal Khashoggi was killed by Saudi agents, but he did not listen to an audio tape that Turkey says offers a gruesome rendering of the journalist’s last moments alive.

Pompeo’s trip to hear both sides of the Khashoggi case — Saudi denials in Riyadh and Turkish accusation­s in Ankara — did not appear to offer any deeper clarity into how the Trump administra­tion is dealing with the conflictin­g accounts from two major allies.

But Pompeo suggested any possible U.S. response would weigh its “important relations” with Saudi Arabia — a point made often by President Donald Trump that has raised speculatio­n the United States may be unwilling to jeopardize business and security ties with the kingdom.

Speaking to the Fox Busi- ness Network on Wednesday, Trump again cited counter- terrorism cooperatio­n with Saudi Arabia and the king- dom’s contracts with U.S. defense contractor­s.

“We’ll get down to the bot- tom of it,” Trump said. “I hope that the [Saudi] king and the crown prince didn’t know about it. That’s the big factor in my eyes, and I hope they haven’t.”

Pompeo told reporters that the United States wants to give the Saudis “space” to come up with their reckonings into what occurred Oct. 2 after Khashoggi entered the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

State Department spokes- woman Heather Nauert said Pompeo did not listen to a key piece of Turkey’s evidence: an audio tape that Turkey claims captures Khashoggi’s struggle and death inside the consulate.

Hours after Pompeo left Turkey, however, Trump sent possible mixed signals. He said U.S. officials want to review any audio and video from Turkey relating to Khashoggi, a Washing- ton Post columnist and U.S. resident.

“We have asked for [audio and video] if it exists,” Trump told reporters.

He was then asked if he believes Turkey has such material. “Probably does, possibly does,” Trump replied.

“I’m not giving cover at all,” Trump added, referring to Saudi Arabia. “They are an ally. We have other good allies in the Middle East.”

But Turkey appeared intent to further build its claims against Saudi Arabia.

Investigat­ors, wearing white crime-scene overalls and shoe covers, entered the Istanbul residence of the Saudi consul general, Mohammed al-Otaibi, who has returned to Riyadh.

The search Wednesday came two days after Turkish forensic experts combed through the consulate, bringing away clues that officials said included possible bloodstain­s.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the U.S. wants to give Saudi Arabia “space” to come up with some type of reckoning of what happened to journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the U.S. wants to give Saudi Arabia “space” to come up with some type of reckoning of what happened to journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

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