The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

■ INSIDE: Read an opinion column from Oct. 13, 1958, by former Atlanta Constituti­on editor Ralph McGill about the bombing of The Temple, a prominent synagogue in Atlanta,

- By Ralph McGill

Editor’s note: The following column by Ralph McGill, editor of The Atlanta Constituti­on, was published in Oct. 13, 1958, the day after the bombing of The Temple synagogue on Peachtree Street. McGill’s opinion column is getting new attention in the aftermath of the massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday.

Dynamite in great quantity Sunday ripped a beautiful Temple of worship in Atlanta. It followed hard on the heels of a like destructio­n of a handsome high school at Clinton, Tenn.

The same rabid, mad-dog minds were, without question, behind both. They also are the source of previous bombings in Florida, Alabama and South Carolina. The school house and the church are the targets of diseased, hate-filled minds. Let us face the facts. This is a harvest. It is the crop of things sown.

It is the harvest of defiance of courts and the encouragem­ent of citizens to defy law on the part of many Southern politician­s. It will be the acme of irony, for example, if any one of four or five Southern governors deplorethi­s bombing. It will be grimly humorous if certain state attorneys general issue statements of regret. And it will be quite a job for some editors, columnists and commentato­rs, who have been saying that our courts have no jurisdicti­on and that the people should refuse to accept their authority now to deplore.

It is not possible to preach lawlessnes­s and restrict it.

To be sure, none said go bomb a Jewish temple or a school.

Gates opened

But let it be understood that when leadership in high places in any degree fails to support constitute­d author- ity, it opens the gates to all those who wish to take law into their hands.

There will be, to be sure, the customary act of the careful drawing aside of skirts on the part of those in high places.

“How awful,” they will exclaim. “How terrible. Some- thing must be done.”

But the record stands. The extremists of the citizens’ councils, the political lead- ers who in terms violent and inflammato­ry have repudiated their oaths and stood against due process of law have helped unloose this flood of hate and bombing.

This, too, is a harvest of those so-called Christian ministers who have chosen to preach hate instead of com- passion. Let them now find pious words and raise their hands in deploring the bomb- ing of a synagogue.

You do not preach and encourage hatred for the Negro and hope to restrict it to that field. It is an old, old story. It is one repeated over and over again in history. When the wolves of hate are loosed on one people, then no one is safe.

Hate and lawlessnes­s by those who lead release the yellow rats and encourage the crazed and neurotic who print and distribute the hate pamphlets, who shrieked that Franklin Roosevelt was a Jew; who denounce the Supreme Court as being Communist and controlled by Jewish influences.

The harvest

This series of bombings is the harvest, too, of some- thing else.

One of those connected with the bombing telephoned a news service early Sunday morning to say the job would be done. It was to be committed, he said, by the Confed- erate Undergroun­d.

The Confederac­y and the men who led it are revered by millions. Its leaders returned to the Union and urged that the future be committed to building a stronger America. This was particular­ly true of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Time after time he urged his students at Washington University to forget the War Between the States and to help build a greater and stronger union.

But for too many years now we have seen the Confederat­e flag and the emotions of that great war become the property of men not fit to tie the shoes of those who fought for it. Some of these have been merely childish and immature. Others have perverted and commercial­ized the flag by making the Stars and Bars, and the Confederac­y itself, a symbol of hate and bombings.

For a long time now it has been needful for all Americans to stand up and be counted on the side of law and the due process of law — even when to do so goes against personal beliefs and emotions. It is late. But there is yet time.

 ??  ??
 ?? AJC ARCHIVES ?? Then-Atlanta Mayor William Hartsfield and Rabbi Jacob Rothschild sift through the rubble hours after The Temple was bombed on Oct. 12, 1958. Civil rights leaders called the dynamiting “stupid, vicious, senseless.”
AJC ARCHIVES Then-Atlanta Mayor William Hartsfield and Rabbi Jacob Rothschild sift through the rubble hours after The Temple was bombed on Oct. 12, 1958. Civil rights leaders called the dynamiting “stupid, vicious, senseless.”
 ?? AJC ARCHIVES ?? The bombing of The Temple synagogue on Peachtree Street on Oct. 12, 1958 dominated the front page of The Atlanta Constituti­on the next day.
AJC ARCHIVES The bombing of The Temple synagogue on Peachtree Street on Oct. 12, 1958 dominated the front page of The Atlanta Constituti­on the next day.

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