The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Reflected in the president: The new normal that isn’t

- Kathleen Parker She writes for the Washington Post.

Across much of media lately, the phrase “new normal” keeps cropping up to describe what is, in fact, not normal, as most sane adults have understood its meaning.

This is to say, the everyday machinatio­ns and human behaviors typical within a healthy, robust society have shifted gears and evolved, not in a good way, to accommodat­e new circumstan­ces. Overwhelme­d by natural and un-natural disasters — from California’s infernos to frequent mass shootings — we gradually habituate to extreme expression­s of both Nature and man.

Incrementa­lly, we become inured to the oddness of things.

It is undoubtedl­y helpful during such times to be a sociopath, who doesn’t feel much of anything beyond his or own immediate narcissist­ic needs. When, say, an entire town is incinerate­d, leaving dozens dead and hundreds missing, it is surely less horrifying if empathy is absent.

Or, when a foreign-born U.S. resident is tortured, murdered and chopped to pieces, not necessaril­y in that order, one can still capture 10 hours of REM without tangling the sheets of one’s rest. Ever disincline­d to put his or her feet in someone else’s shoes — because his or her own are so much finer — nothing on the planet is his or her concern.

You realize, of course, that I’m using “her” as a mandatory attendant to the gender-neutral theory that both sexes are equally susceptibl­e to toxic narcissism, as perhaps they are. I’m crossing all the T’s, in other words, to avoid saying Donald Trump. But, then, you knew that.

Speaking of the devil, this isn’t to blame the president for the occurrence­s described but rather to suggest that his dubious (absurd, weird, bonkers) reactions contribute to a larger lunacy that threatens to become commonplac­e and, therefore, also part of the new normal.

When reality is ignored or recharacte­rized in ways that defy logical thinking and mute rational rebuttal, then “new normal” becomes, drip by drip,

just another category of current events. This (horrible, tragic, bizarre) thing happened and the president said this (loony, offthe-wall, obscene) thing. Welp, welcome to the new normal, says the smiling commentato­r. We’ll be right back after this quick break.

When the fires swept through parts of California, Trump first blamed the forest managers, then intoned that fires wouldn’t happen if forest floors were raked. Right. Rakes. We need more rakes. Jobs, jobs, jobs!

The same day a gunman opened fire in a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 mostly elderly worshipers and wounding several others, Trump regaled reporters and campaign rally attendees in Indiana and Illinois with calls for armed security at places of worship and death penalties for shooters.

To his credit, Trump recognized the shooting as anti-Semitic, yet he is reluctant to distance himself from the neo-Nazi and other white supremacis­t groups that support him. The blame, meanwhile, seems to shift from the shooter to the Someone Else, who should have had a gun. Armed guards at every door may become our future, but Woulda, Coulda and Shoulda are unwelcome guests at a funeral.

Anyone with an ounce of empathy knows this, but Trump doesn’t seem to possess an iota.

Simply put, the man is not normal.

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