The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



I continue a series on the defenders’ entry management: preserving their own entries and gumming up declarer’s.

Today’s North raised South’s pre-empt to game, trusting his partner’s bid to deliver about seven winners. West led the deuce of hearts: jack, queen, six. East shifted to the jack of diamonds.

Declarer won with the king, led a club to dummy’s ace, ruffed a club, led a trump to dummy and ruffed a club. When the suit broke 3-3, South led the king and a third trump, and East could only cash his ace of hearts to hold South to no overtricks.

I suppose East’s defense might have worked, but it didn’t this time. East can see a trump trick and two hearts for sure, and if he prevents declarer from using the clubs, declarer won’t be able to avoid a diamond loser if he has one.

At Trick Two, East must lead a trump, removing a vital entry to dummy before South can start the clubs. South can set up the clubs but can’t get back to cash them. He loses a diamond.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ KJ108753 ♥ 76 ◆ K52 ♣ 3. Both sides vulnerable. You deal and open three spades. The next player bids four clubs, your partner doubles and your right-hand opponent passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: This is a nonproblem. Your opening bid described your hand and made your partner captain. He may have four clubs nailed when your prospects at four spades would be uncertain. Pass.

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