The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

President Trump embraces the spirit of Eddie Haskell

- E.J. Dionne Jr. He writes for the Washington Post.

One of the memorable characters from the old days of television was Eddie Haskell of “Leave it to Beaver.” President Trump no doubt remembers him. Haskell was sycophanti­cally respectful toward parents to their faces, but always plotted and schemed when their backs were turned. To a generation, Haskell symbolized hypocrisy.

Trump’s address Tuesday was the Eddie Haskell State of the Union — although Haskell’s performanc­es were more artful because he only turned nasty when the elders weren’t looking. In Trump’s case, his twofaced politics was on display in the very same oration that went on and on and on.

At the outset, Trump tried his mightiest to be a bipartisan unifier in the manner of Dwight D. Eisenhower. “We can bridge old divisions, heal old wounds, build new coalitions, forge new solutions and unlock the extraordin­ary promise of America’s future,” Trump said. “The decision is ours to make.”

But the real meaning of Trumpian solidarity emerged as the address continued: Give in to me on everything, and there will be no conflict.

For one thing, he could not even refer to his opposition by the name they choose for themselves. He insisted on referring to the Democratic agenda as a “Democrat agenda,” — the most tired of McCarthy-era rhetorical tricks. It’s just not cool to throw gratuitous insults at the people you say you want to work with.

And a large part of his speech, especially the replay of his Chamber-of-Horrors bombast on immigratio­n, was nothing but partisansh­ip. He told us “one in three women is sexually assaulted on the long journey north” and “thousands of young girls and women” are sold “into prostituti­on and modern-day slavery.” But he offered not a single nod to the traditiona­l value of not separating children from their parents when they arrive at our borders.

All this was in the service of his main warning: “An economic miracle is taking place in the United States, and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigat­ions.”

So there you have it in one place: (1) Investigat­ions are as bad as wars; (2) all investigat­ions are “ridiculous partisan investigat­ions”; and (3) if the economy tanks, it’s because Democrats are investigat­ing him. The Democratic response to Trump from Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor of Georgia last year, won unusually good reviews for speeches of its genre, partly because it was blessedly compact compared with the president’s sprawling, undiscipli­ned jumble.

Abrams said what she meant and did not pretend we were about to enter a fantasylan­d of miraculous­ly dissolving party difference­s. There was also this on-target reply to Trump’s canard that all who oppose his immigratio­n policies favor “open borders.” Abrams’ answer: “Compassion­ate treatment at the border is not the same as open borders.”

But Abrams’ most powerful contributi­on to her party’s discourse may have been her open invocation of religious commitment and the virtues it can promote. She spoke of the “uncommon grace of community” and drove the point home by reciting the creed of all who embrace a healthy, measured individual­ism but reject the narcissist­ic kind: “We do not succeed alone.”

That Eddie Haskell would never think like that is a measure of who won the night.

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