The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Problem with the camps isn’t semantic; it’s moral

- Mary Sanchez She writes for the Kansas City Star.

When is it OK to call a concentrat­ion camp a concentrat­ion camp?

If you answered, “When it’s a concentrat­ion camp,” you clearly weren’t paying attention to the Mighty Wurlitzer of Beltway social media last week.

The reedy first note was an Instagram live video in which Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the freshman Democrat from New York, referred to federal detention centers for migrants at the southern border as “concentrat­ion camps.”

That kicked off a reaction of predictabl­e dudgeon from Republican counterpar­ts such as Rep. Lynn Cheney, a Wyoming Republican, who tweeted that Ocasio-Cortez should learn “some actual history.”

The not-so-sub text — was that AOC was slighting Jews and the historical­ly unique Jewish suffering of the Holocaust.

Indeed, some Jews and some historians suggested AOC was out of line. Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust museum, tweeted a message to AOC, “Learn about concentrat­ion camps,” and included a link to a page on its website.

Still other historians and other commentato­rs, including many prominent Jews, defended her characteri­zation and decried the use of the Holocaust as a bludgeon. Concentrat­ion camps are not equivalent to death camps, many argued, and such camps existed and were called such at least as far back as the Boer War in South Africa at the turn of the 20th century.

Here’s what actor George Takei tweeted: “I know what concentrat­ion camps are. I was inside two of them, in America. And yes, we are operating such camps again.” He was referring to the internment camps set up to detain Japanese-Americans during World War II.

Like so many Twitter conflagrat­ions, this one may generate more heat than light. Ocasio-Cortez’ mode of delivery was part of the problem. Her wording, crafted for pointednes­s, failed to respect the emotions she was certain to rile.

But the term “concentrat­ion camp” clearly was meant to conjure memories of the camps Nazis used in Europe to carry out the genocide of Jews and Roma people, as well as to punish and kill Poles, political prisoners and those deemed undesirabl­e.

A semantic debate is at play — in which AOC is on solid ground — but there is also the ethical question of whether it’s permissibl­e to allude to the Holocaust to call out deeds and attitudes that don’t rise, or rather sink, to the standard of that singular set of crimes against Jews.

I believe Ocasio-Cortez wishes to advance understand­ing of the horrific ways human beings have stripped others of their rights and dignity through internment, work camps, concentrat­ion camps, reservatio­ns for indigenous peoples, and now the migrant detention centers.

Meanwhile, the Republican­s’ dudgeon is wholly unconvinci­ng and a transparen­t attempt, as one observer put it, to “weaponize” Jewish sensitivit­ies on the subject.

The challenge is to move beyond semantics do something about the government-sanctioned, taxpayer-subsidized warehousin­g of human beings, many of them children, some of whom have been separated from their parents.

Andrea Pitzer, author of “One Long Night: A Global History of Concentrat­ion Camps,” writing for GQ, noted: “By the time a country gets to the point that those in power and a majority of their supporters embrace policies that back up virulent rhetoric and accept detention as the central response to a political or humanitari­an problem, it is very difficult to undo.”

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