The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Daughter doesn’t share devotion to heirlooms

- Jeanne Phillips Dear Abby Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Dear Abby: My mother, who is in her late 60s, is obsessed with family history and preserving attachment­s to relatives. In addition to being the family genealogis­t, she collects objects that belonged to relatives or people who “might” have been relatives, those who share our last name or lived in the same small town as our ancestors.

Her house is stuffed to the gills with furniture, books, legal documents, photos and the like. Each object has a story that goes with it. Every time I visit, she spends literally hours talking about the various histories of her things and tries to get me to recite what I was supposed to have learned during my previous visits.

The thing is, I really don’t care about any of it. Some of the antiques are nice, and photos of my grandparen­ts are fun to look at, but the rest of it, I have no interest in.

As she’s getting older, my mother is becoming increasing­ly agitated about what will happen to her collection when she dies. For a while she was trying to give me some of the things. When she found out I gave away a vase she had given me, she just about flipped. Now she is trying to get me to agree to preserve her whole house the way it is and pass it down to my future children intact. Of course, I can’t promise that.

Should I pretend to agree with her plan so her anxiety level goes down? This disagreeme­nt has now overshadow­ed our relationsh­ip. I’ve tried to get her to see someone about her collecting habit and her anxiety, but she flat-out refused. — Not Interested in Utah

Dear Not Interested: You say your mother is the family genealogis­t, which implies there are more family members than just you. Young people today are far less interested in family heirlooms than in previous generation­s, and it wouldn’t be surprising if your future children are no different. Suggest to your mother that she discuss with other relatives the option of giving them her collection to share with their children. But do not make any promises that you do not intend to keep.

Dear Abby: I’m a 22-year-old female college graduate who plans to further my education. I have never had a boyfriend or been kissed, although I’ve had casual crushes. I’m not interested in having a relationsh­ip in the near future, and I’m not certain I ever want to be in one. I have no idea how I would start one if I did.

Sometimes I wonder if I were more physically attractive if it would be easier. I feel lonely, but at the same time, I’m happy being alone. Sometimes I’m not even sure about my sexual orientatio­n. Is it normal not to know what one wants at my age?

— Don’t Know What I Want

Dear Don’t Know: Many people older than you have trouble figuring out what they want. You appear to be what is called a late bloomer. Because you are not interested in having a relationsh­ip, you should concentrat­e on your education for now. After you are enrolled, pay a visit to the student health center and inquire about counseling services. If you do, it will not only provide you with some insight but also give you a chance to get to know yourself better.

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