The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Brexit revives Scottish independen­ce push

Majority of Scots want U.K. to stay in European Union.

- By John Leicester

STIRLING, SCOTLAND — When Scotland voted in 2014 against independen­ce, that seemed to settle the issue: The hauntingly rugged region where Britain’s royal family spends its holidays at its vast Balmoral estate would remain with England, Wales and Northern Ireland in a United Kingdom governed from London.

But less than two years later came the Brexit referendum, and while the U.K. voted to leave the European Union, Scots distinguis­hed themselves as the biggest dissenters. Not only did Scotland vote overwhelmi­ngly to stay in the EU, it was the only one of the U.K.’s four parts where not a single constituen­cy delivered a “Yes” vote to leave.

Unwilling partner

Simply put: Scotland is being dragged largely unwillingl­y toward what many of its people fear will be economic suffering Oct. 31, when the messy divorce is scheduled to take effect, quite possibly without an agreement to cushion expected blows to businesses and households.

Disgruntle­ment with Brexit and machinatio­ns in Westminste­r that have pushed the U.K. ever closer to a no-deal departure is so keenly felt in Scotland’s glens and weather-beaten towns that independen­ce is back as an issue. In the aftermath of Brexit, Scotland could again become a headache for whoever is in power in London.

Rather than be shackled to what they suspect could become a diminished and isolated U.K., advocates of Scottish independen­ce are clamoring for another referendum to allow it to strike out on its own and perhaps even rejoin the EU.

Even some of those who voted against independen­ce, betting that Scotland would be better off in the U.K., are having second thoughts.

Chris Deerin, director of the Reform Scotland think tank, was a firm “No” in 2014, describing the idea of a breakup of the union with Britain as “utterly bizarre” and “almost unthinkabl­e” in his political commentari­es at the time. As Brexit looms, Deerin’s tune is changing.

‘Not unthinkabl­e’

“I’m not at the stage where I’d say I’d vote ‘Yes’ yet, but it’s definitely not unthinkabl­e,” he says. “And, anecdotall­y, there are lots of people I know who also voted ‘No’ in 2014 who, if not now committed to voting ‘Yes,’ are open to a discussion.”

He adds: “If Scotland is independen­t in 2025, 2030, I think Brexit will pretty obviously be the main reason for that. ... It has set Scotland against England.”

But Scots wanting a second shot at independen­ce won’t automatica­lly get one. The U.K. government has repeatedly ruled out the possibilit­y, saying Scots had their say and that a second vote could heap further division on the country already riven by generation­al, regional, political and economic divides over Brexit.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s hardball negotiatin­g tactics since he took office in July, replacing Theresa May after she failed to get Parliament’s backing for her Brexit deal with the EU, suggest to some Scots that he’s especially unlikely to yield.

Johnson has taken steps to suspend Parliament for part of the remaining weeks before the Oct. 31 departure, shrinking options and time for lawmakers who want to stop a chaotic no-deal departure. Johnson’s critics have likened him to a dictator and his maneuverin­gs to a coup.

“Are you a democrat or not? Do you respect the will of the Scottish people or not?” said Ian Blackford, a lawmaker with the pro-EU Scottish National Party, addressing Johnson as the U.K. Parliament reconvened Tuesday in London.

“The Scottish people did not vote for Brexit. The people of Scotland did not vote for a no-deal Brexit. They did not vote for the Tory Party, and they certainly did not vote for this prime minister,” Blackford added during the raucous debate.

Such charges resonate among independen­ce supporters north of the seamless, open border with England noticeable only because of road signs that declare “Welcome to Scotland” in English and “Failte gu Alba” in Scottish Gaelic.

Renewed push

Independen­ce proponents are cheered by polling that suggests Brexit, and especially a no-deal departure, may be strengthen­ing the independen­ce cause.

The resignatio­n in August of Scottish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson, who cited family reasons, deprived the anti-independen­ce camp of one of its most popular leaders.

Scottish flags, with a white cross on a blue background, hang inside and outside the distillery where Dale McQueen brews gin. McQueen says he hopes to be able to plow profits from his fast-growing business into a second referendum campaign.

“I’m very optimistic that Scotland will be an independen­t country,” he says. “I hope and pray for that.”

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Edinburgh-based actor Gilchrist Muir dresses up as Sir William Wallace, recounting to tourists how the 13th century Scottish independen­ce hero defeated English invaders in 1297. Muir says he’s always felt Scottish rather than British and has long viewed the U.K.’s Union Jack flag as “a symbol of oppression.”
ASSOCIATED PRESS Edinburgh-based actor Gilchrist Muir dresses up as Sir William Wallace, recounting to tourists how the 13th century Scottish independen­ce hero defeated English invaders in 1297. Muir says he’s always felt Scottish rather than British and has long viewed the U.K.’s Union Jack flag as “a symbol of oppression.”

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