The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Poll: More approve of impeachmen­t probe than oppose

- By Hannah Fingerhut and Jill Colvin

WASHINGTON — More Americans approve of the impeachmen­t investigat­ion into President Donald Trump than disapprove of it, though only about a third say the inquiry should be a top priority for Congress, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

That solid, if measured, support serves as a warning sign for Trump’s White House and reelection campaign, which have insisted that pursuing impeach- ment will end up being a vul- nerability for Democrats head- ing into 2020.

But the findings present some red flags for Democrats, too: More people say House members are motivated mainly by poli- tics rather than by duty as they investigat­e the Republican president’s dealings with Ukraine and whether he abused his office or compromise­d national security when he tried to pressure the country to investigat­e a political rival.

Overall, 47% said they support the impeachmen­t inquiry, while 38% disapprove.

Still, 53% of Americans think the House is acting mainly on a political motivation to challenge Trump’s presidency. That compares with fewer, 43%, who say it’s acting more in good faith on its responsibi­lity to investigat­e the executive branch.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that 49% of Americans say the president should be impeached and removed from office, while 47% say he should not.

Among Democrats, support for removing the president from office is overwhelmi­ng, with 82% in favor and 13% opposed. Among Republican­s, it is almost the reverse, with 82% opposed and 18% in favor. Independen­ts are divided, with 47% favoring removal and 49% opposed.

 ?? CHIP SOMODEVILL­A / GETTY IMAGES ?? President Donald Trump faces possible impeachmen­t before a sharply polarized nation.
CHIP SOMODEVILL­A / GETTY IMAGES President Donald Trump faces possible impeachmen­t before a sharply polarized nation.

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