The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Girlfriend serving time fears man’s love will fade

- Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: I’m a 25-year-old female currently serving a nine-year prison sentence. It is the first time I have ever been in trouble (wrong place, wrong time). My boyfriend is 24. We’ve been together 2 1/2 years and have had our ups and downs (mostly ups). I am truly in love with him, and he tells me he will always be there for me.

I have been in prison for five months so far, and he hasn’t missed a visit or a phone call. He also makes sure I have money on my books.

I’m worried that somewhere down the road, since we’re so young, he will meet someone and move on. In a way, I would kind of understand — I don’t want his life to stop because mine has. But I also don’t want to lose him. How do I keep our relationsh­ip strong, or should I let him go?

— Locked Up in Delaware

Dear Locked Up: Nine years is a long time, and sometimes life happens in the interim. I can’t predict what will happen, and you shouldn’t either. Take things a day at a time. Keep the lines of communicat­ion open and honest.

Because things are going well, do not “let him go.” If the romance ends, so be it. But if it does, appreciate that he seems to be a staunch friend and ally.

Dear Abby: I love my wife. We have been married for 38 years. However, she does something that drives me crazy.

I have a hard time going to sleep at night, and if I’m disturbed in those first few minutes of sleep, I’m up all night. We both agreed that when we say “goodnight,” it means no more talking or loud noises. But almost every night after saying “goodnight,” she wakes me up with something she HAS to say or explore. If it was an emergency, I wouldn’t mind, but it’s usually something of no consequenc­e that could wait until morning.

I have tried ignoring her, pretending to be asleep, saying “goodnight again” in a rough tone of voice and getting angry. I would appreciate some advice.

— Sleepless in Texas

Dear Sleepless: A solid night’s sleep is crucial for good health. Tell your wife to keep a notepad by the side of the bed and jot down what she wants to discuss the next morning. However, if she persists in awakening you, get up and go into another room. And continue doing it until your wife agrees to show more considerat­ion.

Dear Abby: I have known my friend “Midge” for more than 60 years. We live in different states now, but keep in touch online.

Over the last year, it seems Midge has reverted to being a wild teenager. She is smoking pot, got tattooed and is doing a lot of partying. Recently, she posted a lengthy missive about how much she misses her ex-boyfriend. Abby, they broke up 10 years ago! I asked her sister about her bizarre behavior and was told, “Oh, that’s just Midge.” Is it time to let go of the friendship? — Not the Same in California

Dear Not the Same: Assuming that pot is legal in the state where Midge resides, she’s doing nothing illegal, immoral or that will get her pregnant out of wedlock. Because you’re concerned about her, call Midge to hear how she is. Sometimes an abrupt change in personalit­y can be a symptom of a physical or mental health issue.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne

Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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