The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

‘Diversocra­ts’ supplantin­g goal of higher education

- Walter E. Williams He writes for Creators Syndicate.

Colleges have been around for centuries, as have college students. Yet, college administra­tors assume today’s students have needs that were unknown to their predecesso­rs. Those needs include diversity and equity personnel, with massive budgets to accommodat­e.

According to Minding the Campus, Penn State University’s Office of Vice Provost for Educationa­l Equity employs 66 staff members. The University of Michigan currently employs a diversity staff of 93 fulltime diversity administra­tors, officers, directors, vice provosts, deans, consultant­s, specialist­s, investigat­ors, managers, executive assistants, administra­tive assistants, analysts and coordinato­rs. Top college diversity bureaucrat­s earn salaries six figures, in some cases approachin­g $500,000 per year. In the case of the University of Michigan, a quarter (26) of their diversity officers earn annual salaries of more than $100,000. If you add generous fringe benefits and other expenses, you could easily be talking about $13 million a year in diversity costs.

Diversity officials are a growing part of a college bureaucrac­y structure that outnumbers faculty by 2 to 2.5 depending on the college. According to “The Campus Diversity Swarm,” an article from Mark Pulliam, a contributi­ng editor at Law and Liberty, which appeared in the City Journal in October 2018, diversity people assist in the cultivatio­n of imaginary grievances of an ever-growing number of “oppressed” groups. Pulliam writes: “The mission of campus diversity officers is self-perpetuati­ng. Affirmativ­e action (i.e., racial and ethnic preference­s in admissions) leads to grievance studies. Increased recognitio­n of LGBTQ rights requires ever-greater accommodat­ion by the rest of the student body. Protecting ‘vulnerable’ groups from ‘hate speech’ and ‘microaggre­ssions’ requires speech codes and bias-response teams (staffed by diversocra­ts). Complaints must be investigat­ed and adjudicate­d (by diversocra­ts). Fighting ‘toxic masculinit­y’ and combating an imaginary epidemic of campus sexual assault necessitat­e consent protocols, training and hearing procedures — more work for an always-growing diversocra­t cadre. Each newly recognized problem leads to a call for more programs and staffing.”

Campus diversity people have developed their own profession­al organizati­on — the National Associatio­n of Diversity Officers in Higher Education. The NADOHE has developed standards for profession­al practice and a political agenda, plus a Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, which is published by the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n.

One wonders just how far spineless college administra­tors will go when it comes to caving in to the demands of campus snowflakes who have been taught they must be protected against words, events and deeds that do not fully conform to their extremely limited, narrow-minded beliefs built on sheer delusion. Generosity demands we forgive these precious snowflakes and hope that they eventually grow up. The real problem is with people assumed to be grown-ups — college professors and administra­tors — who serve their self-interest by tolerating and giving aid and comfort to our aberrant youth. Unless the cycle of promoting and nursing imaginary grievances is ended, diversity bureaucrac­ies will take over our colleges and universiti­es, supplantin­g altogether the goal of higher education.

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