The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Impeachmen­t’s key players as trial nears

In a matter of days, the Senate is expected to launch its trial of President Donald Trump, and some principals in the process are busily staking their ground ahead of the historic event:

- — Reports from the Washington Post and Associated Press were used in this article.

In a matter of days, the Senate is expected to launch its trial of President Donald Trump, and key players are preparing.

The congressio­nal leadership

Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has said her chamber will vote to appoint House impeachmen­t managers and transmit the two articles of impeachmen­t — abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress — by the end of the week despite no upfront agreement with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on whether witnesses will be called.

Trump faces charges that he abused power by pushing Ukraine to investigat­e Democratic rival Joe Biden and then obstructed Congress.

The White House

Press secretary Stephanie Grisham on Monday reiterated Trump’s desire to have the impeachmen­t case dismissed, saying “he did nothing wrong.”

“The president shouldn’t have to go through this,” Grisham said during an appearance on Fox News. “He did nothing wrong. He released transcript­s willingly because he did nothing wrong.”

After tweeting his support for the notion of an “outright dismissal,” Trump returned to Twitter on Monday to mock Pelosi’s call for a “fair trial” in the Senate, saying “the Do Nothing Democrats, yet the Dems in the House wouldn’t let us have 1 witness, no lawyers or even ask questions. It was the most unfair witch-hunt in the history of Congress!”

Trump declined an offer to participat­e in the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachmen­t hearings, which would have allowed his attorneys to suggest witnesses and ask questions of witnesses called by Democrats.

The senators

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has repeatedly argued that if Republican­s do not support calling witnesses during the Senate trial, they will be participat­ing in a “coverup.”

Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., said on CNN that “a fair trial includes hearing the witnesses who have direct knowledge of the president’s participat­ion with the president of Ukraine and the coverup, potential obstructio­n of justice with Congress, and those witnesses need to testify in the Senate.”

But Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., took to Twitter to push back: “Those claiming Senate GOP going to hold trial without witnesses is lying: We are using same rules used in the [President Bill] Clinton trial,” Rubio tweeted.

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., said Monday that he is prepared to vote to dismiss the case and to vote for an acquittal if it moves forward. During an appearance on Hugh Hewitt’s syndicated radio show, Scott predicted that there would be no witnesses called at the trial and that it would end “within a couple weeks.”

 ?? AP ?? President Donald Trump tweeted Monday his approval for a dismissal and more accusation­s of a witch hunt.
AP President Donald Trump tweeted Monday his approval for a dismissal and more accusation­s of a witch hunt.
 ?? AJC ?? Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Congress will soon vote to appoint trial managers and send articles to the Sentate.
AJC Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Congress will soon vote to appoint trial managers and send articles to the Sentate.
 ?? AJC ?? Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., tweeted Monday to refute claims that the Senate might carry out an unfair trial.
AJC Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., tweeted Monday to refute claims that the Senate might carry out an unfair trial.
 ?? TNS ?? Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said if Republican­s don’t call witnesses, they are participat­ing in a coverup.
TNS Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said if Republican­s don’t call witnesses, they are participat­ing in a coverup.

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