The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

How to support school reopenings

As more evidence emerges on how virus behaves, we have chance to consider new strategies.

- By Sara Goza Sara“Sally”Goza, M.D., is president of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is based in Fayettevil­le.

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, as case counts skyrockete­d in New York City and Seattle, pediatrici­ans watched, carefully, to see how children would be affected.

We feared children would suffer like they do with influenza and other infectious diseases, where they are among the most vulnerable. But in fact, children largely have been spared the most dire, direct consequenc­es of coronaviru­s.

Instead, the impact on infants, children and adolescent­s has turned out to be a set of secondary harms, a byproduct of the careful steps we all took to socially distance from one another and prevent the rampant spread of this virus. Schools closed; parks closed; children and families stayed at home. Children missed doctor visits; they missed school; they missed their friends, peers and teachers. This was the right decision for the good of everyone in our communitie­s.

But as more evidence emerges about how this virus behaves, including who is most at risk and how we can improve everyone’s safety, we have an opportunit­y to consider new strategies. After weighing what we now know about kids and coronaviru­s, we believe that for the sake of their health and developmen­t, children need school.

And to ensure children and teachers can return safely, schools need funding. That’s why the American Academy of

Pediatrics is urging Congress and the administra­tion to provide $175 billion for K-12 education and $25 billion for programs that support marginaliz­ed students most likely to be affected by missing in-person instructio­n.

Schools need this funding now to reduce class sizes; buy personal protective equipment for teachers, staff and students; increase cleaning and disinfecti­ng; and implement protocols to protect everyone in schools where it’s deemed safe enough to reopen. If the virus surges in a community, schools need the ability to adapt and move lessons online until the rate of transmissi­on is controlled — which means schools that were not able to provide all students with internet access in the spring must do so in the fall.

This won’t be easy. But if we truly value our children, we will find a way to adapt to this new normal with innovation, science and expertise, the same way we have conquered other challenges.

We must be guided by the science. As we study this virus, we have learned more about how it interacts with children. There is evidence that children are less likely to be infected, less likely to have severe symptoms and less likely to spread the infection to others. Researcher­s in Switzerlan­d, China, France and Australia have documented this in studies over the past six months. We will carefully evaluate and weigh new evidence as it emerges.

As a pediatrici­an, I know children do best when they are in school. They benefit from the instructio­n of skilled teachers, they learn from interactio­ns with their peers, and they have access to all the other benefits our society has wisely added into the structure of the school day. Those who are hurt most by the school closures are those who are the worst off. For many children, school provides crucial nutrition, mental health supports, safe surroundin­gs and a bulwark against racial and social inequities that they face in their daily lives. The disappeara­nce of these oases of support will have lasting consequenc­es for these children and our society.

So as we continue to battle the virus, we call on our leaders to invest in our schools so they can reopen safely and in a way that maximizes learning, health, well-being and longterm developmen­t.

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Sara Goza

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