The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Common good vs. personal rights

When public health outweighs one’s choice not to wear a mask.

- By Leah Ward Sears

From the moment the United States was created, the country has suffered from a constant tension between ensuring individual liberty and protecting the common good. We are, after all, a nation that celebrates individual rights and freedoms. But we’ve always had to find a balance between protecting one person’s rights while not harming others. During the pandemic, this tension has been thrown into stark relief.

To combat the pandemic, people have to be willing to sacrifice things like bar nights, concerts and ballgames. Why? Because we share the same restaurant­s, shops, and theaters. As such, our fates and viral counts are intertwine­d. When one person decides to wander around without a mask because they believe it’s their right, it affects every person who encounters them.

Pandemic brings about new concerns

Early this year, the coronaviru­s began to spread across the country. Many states, cities and counties issued shelter-at-home orders. These orders were necessary to stop the spread of the virus. These restrictio­ns engendered some of the first civil unrest this year. The president told his Twitter followers to liberate states with shutdown orders. Populist protests emerged. In one notable example, motorists congregate­d in Denver to protest shutdown restrictio­ns. They were countered by medical workers who stood in silence and blocked traffic.

The contradict­ion between protecting American lives and supporting individual freedom has only continued over the last few months. Because of the shutdowns and the spread of the coronaviru­s, many have been left without jobs and child care options. Protesters have made demands to reopen the economy and forgo masks. Across the country, people have resisted because they want to go back to their pre-pandemic lives.

Scientists know that the coronaviru­s spreads in crowded places. That’s why many locales have restricted the size of gatherings at sporting events and parties. If restaurant­s and bars are open, they’re often required to serve fewer people than before.

Research also shows that the countries that adopted social distancing measures and mask mandates earlier had fewer infections than countries that delayed these decrees. Another study found that countries that required masks had lower death rates. In the United States, there is no national mandate to wear masks. Mandatory masks, social distancing and shutdown policies are dictated at the state, city or county level.

The science is clear. Taking collective steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can reduce the transmissi­on of the disease and decrease the number of deaths. Unfortunat­ely, many people view these measures as an infringeme­nt on their personal liberty. Specifical­ly, some people believe that wearing a mask violates their individual rights. While health requiremen­ts, like wearing shoes and pants, have long been accepted measures, many people struggle to accept new health requiremen­ts. By acting in their own self-interest, some are risking the lives of other people. The flagrant disregard for human life via viral transmissi­on and desire to behave selfishly are apparent at anti-mask protests in places like Wisconsin, Michigan and Texas.

Rugged individual­ism and the American way

Rugged individual­ism was a term coined by former President Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression. It revolves around the American ideal that people have the right to be totally self-reliant and independen­t, especially from the government. This belief, which is the thing so many love about Americans, is also what’s killing us now.

Rugged individual­ism tends to favor people who already have wealth and social capital, however. When you have the money, power and ability to do whatever you want, it’s easy to be individual­istic. Meanwhile, those totally free Americans may spread the virus to people who are unable to work from home and cannot afford a layoff.

Forced to work in public settings, disadvanta­ged Americans, many of whom are Black or brown, may also lack health insurance. If these workers become ill, they’ll bear a heavier burden than the rugged individual­ists who gave them the virus.

The future for the United States

Winston Churchill famously said, “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.” Hopefully, sooner rather than later, Americans will pull together and do the right thing. During World War II, we came together to create needed Victory Gardens, work in factories and volunteer for military service. While we returned to the status quo afterward, the war showed our ability to cooperate and work toward the common good.

According to two of Harvard’s top legal experts, personal freedoms can be restricted when there are compelling grounds. Abrogating individual freedom in favor of public health has been possible for years.

Consider the case of the woman known as “Typhoid Mary,” an asymptomat­ic carrier of typhoid fever. Public health officials forced her to quarantine for 26 years when she kept violating orders to stop spreading typhus by working as a cook. Typhoid Mary had options. Removing her gallbladde­r would likely have prevented her from spreading typhus. But she refused to do so. Mary Mallon could have also stopped working with food. Instead, she chose to keep cooking food under an assumed name. Three people died because of her. Scores were sickened in multiple cities. The Supreme Court ultimately decided that quarantini­ng her was legal because the community had to be protected.

American revolution­ary Patrick Henry declared, “Give me liberty or give me death.” If his request were honored today, he could likely end up with both, and not just for himself, but others as well. For the time being, people need to wear masks and social distance to protect the common good. Most of these measures don’t infringe on Constituti­onal rights. And there are a great many technologi­cal workaround­s that can help us enjoy our civil liberties today while protecting human lives. When exercised responsibl­y, enjoying your rights doesn’t have to come at the expense of the common good.

Leah Ward Sears is a partner with Smith, Gambrell and Russell LLP, and former chief justice of the Georgia Supreme Court.

 ?? EMILIO MORENATTI/AP ?? Some people feel that being ordered to wear a face mask to help prevent the spread of the deadly coronaviru­s, even in a pandemic, is a violation of their personal rights. Others understand that the common good can legally and morally override individual rights in dire circumstan­ces.
EMILIO MORENATTI/AP Some people feel that being ordered to wear a face mask to help prevent the spread of the deadly coronaviru­s, even in a pandemic, is a violation of their personal rights. Others understand that the common good can legally and morally override individual rights in dire circumstan­ces.
 ??  ?? Leah Ward Sears
Leah Ward Sears

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