The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Age and health both on the ballot

- Charles M. Blow He writes for The New York Times.

Donald Trump is the oldest person ever elected president. If Joe Biden wins in November he will break Trump’s record.

Both men are in their 70s, and this week their health reemerged in the presidenti­al race in major ways.

First, we learned from a forthcomin­g book by my colleague Michael Schmidt that when Trump made his mysterious, unschedule­d visit to Walter Reed military hospital last fall, Vice President Mike Pence was put on standby to assume the presidency.

As Schmidt wrote: “In reporting for this book, I learned that in the hours leading up to Trump’s trip to the hospital, word went out in the West Wing for the vice president to be on standby to take over the powers of the presidency temporaril­y if Trump had to undergo a procedure that would have required him to be anesthetiz­ed.”

This was apparently not necessary, but we still don’t know the reason for the visit.

What medical need could the president have had that could not be handled by medics in the White House?

CNN’s Sanjay Gupta said after Schmidt’s revelation was made public that such a hospital visit typically “comes down to two issues: Something to do with the brain or something to do with the heart.”

This is particular­ly worrisome since Trump has recently displayed odd behavior like struggling to lift a glass of water, walking gingerly down a ramp and repeatedly slurring his words.

Trump tweeted Tuesday: “It never ends! Now they are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of ministroke­s. Never happened to THIS candidate — FAKE NEWS. Perhaps they are referring to another candidate from another Party!”

That leads to the second revelation: ABC News reported that “In early July the Department of Homeland Security withheld publicatio­n of an intelligen­ce bulletin warning law enforcemen­t agencies of a Russian scheme to promote ‘allegation­s about the poor mental health’ of former Vice President Joe Biden.”

The bulletin assessed with “high confidence” that “Russian malign influence actors are likely to continue denigratin­g presidenti­al candidates through allegation­s of poor mental or physical health to influence the outcome of the 2020 election.”

This is a line of attack that Trump himself initiated against Biden months ago.

Biden does sometimes stumble over words or search for them, but he has attributed this to his lifelong struggle with stuttering.

Listen, the truth is that Trump and Biden are two elderly men. Their age will manifest in their appearance and comportmen­t, and because we are human beings, our health has a natural cognitive decline as we grow older. Those are just facts.

We as voters have to decide to what degree those things should matter in the selection of a president. Being healthy enough to do the job sounds like a simple standard, but that metric can easily tip over into ageism.

To some degree, front-ofmind or not, age and health will be on the ballot in November.

But it seems to me that the concern over the health of these two candidates cancels each other out.

If so, what remains are policy and character, and on those measures the choice is clear.

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