The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Cohesive strategy lacking in Gov. Kemp’s COVID-19 response


Let’s recount the actions Gov. Kemp has taken with regard to COVID-19 to see if we can find a cohesive strategy. First, we were told each area of the state is so different, we should not impose any statewide restrictio­ns. That was shortly followed by statewide rules no locality was allowed to override. We were told how important it was to wear a mask, but then Gov. Kemp allowed restaurant­s and bars to open and forgot to emphasize that just because these establishm­ents were open did not make it safe to eat indoors with anyone other than people in your own household.

All of the above was supposedly to support businesses, but then, how to explain the decision on schools? Many families need schools to be open to go back to work, but he left schools to figure it out on their own.


contributi­ons of essential workers in the COVID-19 pandemic.

From grocery clerks to medical practition­ers and scientists, every working person on the front line of this pandemic deserves protection and respect, something the Trump administra­tion has routinely failed to provide.

If leaders truly thought educators were essential, they’d fund public education and invest in reopening schools safely and equitably.

Because let’s be clear: Georgia educators want to get back into their classrooms. And we applaud the superinten­dents, school boards and staff who are trying to assist us. But science must drive our decisions about reopening schools — not edicts rolled out by unqualifie­d officials.

And let’s not forget that classrooms are also the gathering places of children who are vulnerable. This fight is for them, too. And their families.

As educators, it’s our job to remind officials — to teach and preach — about safety steps from PPE and classroom reorganiza­tion to meticulous deep cleaning and effective ventilatio­n.

If educators in Georgia must choose between teaching safely or endangerin­g the lives of ourselves, our families and our students, we ask every citizen to support us with words, prayers and public actions.


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