The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Purchases of e-bikes surged during pandemic

Expert strongly suggests trying one out before buying.

- By Pam Moore

Since the pandemic started, items including yeast, puzzles and electric bikes have been flying off the shelves. According to an industry report, after consistent sales increases throughout the spring, June e-bike sales nearly tripled compared with 2019 sales. With all the elements of a traditiona­l bicycle, plus a rechargeab­le battery and a motor, e-bikes make cycling more accessible by doing the heavy lifting for you.

According to Arleigh Greenwald, product marketing manager at Tern Bicycles and former bike shop owner, there’s a direct link between the coronaviru­s and the e-bike boom. Even if you’re “stuck in your bubble,” an e-bike ride is an outdoor activity you can share with friends and family, regardless of your fitness level, while maintainin­g social distance. Plus, canceled vacations have freed up funds to finance the purchase.

E-biking can also give your mood a boost, something most of us could use. According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans’ self-reported mental health is worse than it has been in the past two decades.

Exercise, even at lower intensitie­s, can reduce anxiety and enhance your sense of belonging. Research shows exercising outdoors enhances those benefits.

E-bikes are for anyone who wants the benefits of low-impact outdoor exercise without the demands of traditiona­l biking. According to Steve Appleton, owner of online retailer Really Good Ebikes and author of “The Beginner’s Guide to Ebikes,” “an electric bike gives you so much more freedom to travel further distances, explore places you haven’t been able to go, where maybe there’s head winds or hills that you otherwise would be worried about.” Many of Appleton’s customers are baby boomers recovering from injuries or trying to stay healthy.

Sold on the idea of e-bike ownership but intimidate­d by the buying process? Here are some factors to keep in mind.

E-bike classifica­tion

According to Greenwald, all e-bikes (or “pedelec” bikes) offer pedal assistance while you’re pedaling. You control the degree of assistance by pressing a button.

Some e-bikes also have a throttle, which essentiall­y does all the work for you, even if you’re not pedaling. For some, it makes riding more fun. For others, it’s a necessity, says Chuck Ankeny, founder and owner of Freedom Folding Bikes in Boulder, Colo., whose customers include individual­s with heart and lung conditions. “If they’re out riding somewhere and they get into trouble, they can just hit that throttle and get home.” (Note: Throttle use drains the battery relatively quickly.)

E-bikes fall into one of three classifica­tions:

■ Class 1 bikes can go up to 20 miles per hour.

■ Class 2 bikes can go up to 20 miles per hour and have throttle assistance.

■ Class 3 bikes can go up to 28 miles per hour.

Primary use

“Think about what you’re going to use the bike 80% of the time for,” Greenwald says. For toting kids and groceries, you’ll want a cargo bike. If you want to hit the trails, a mountain bike makes sense. A couple wishing to take their bikes on road trips might consider folding bikes. If you’re primarily commuting long distances, a lightweigh­t frame and an aerodynami­c position will maximize battery life.

Once you have a clear idea of how, where and when you’ll use it, Greenwald says to ask yourself: “What are the things that would make that easier?” For example, if you live in a wet climate, fenders will keep you dry. For long trips, you might spring for a heavier-duty battery, or even double batteries.

How it feels

“If you were going to buy a lifetime supply of ice cream, you would definitely want to try it before you got it, right?” asks Charlie Mccormick, owner and founder of D.C.’S Electricit­ybikes. Like ice cream flavors, e-bikes offer a plethora of features and combinatio­ns. “There’s a flavor you might think is good,” he says, “but when you try it, it tastes disgusting – or it’s a pleasant surprise.” Like your feelings on ice cream, e-bike preference is subjective.

You can spend hours researchin­g, as I did for this article. But as I discovered firsthand, there’s nothing like a test ride to help you decide.

If you don’t live near an e-bike retailer and are buying online, Appleton suggests test-riding as many regular bikes as possible, to at least get a feel for the frame style you prefer.

Where you’ll park it

Think about where you’re going to store your e-bike before you whip out your wallet. If you don’t have a garage or outdoor space, a 65-pound beauty might look more like a beast in your home. It might limit your options to lighter and/or foldable bikes.

If you’re storing your bike in your garage or backyard, try removing the battery before you commit. Greenwald says most batteries are removable; however, some pop in and out more easily than others. Because they aren’t designed to be charged in extreme temperatur­es, easy removal makes indoor charging convenient.

Your budget

E-bikes can cost anywhere from $600 to nearly $15,000.

Although there’s no universal equation to determine how much to spend on a bike you’ll be happy with, most of the profession­als we spoke with suggested spending at least $2,000 for a decent-quality bike. According to Mccormick, a good bike will last five to 10 years, even with frequent use.

The biggest price variables are the battery and motor. Battery capacity is measured in amp hours (ah) and typically ranges from about 10 ah to 21 ah, Appleton says. “That’s sort of like the fuel tank.”

A battery with fewer amp hours doesn’t necessaril­y have a shorter range, however. The distance you can travel on a battery charge, or the watt hours, also depends on battery voltage. Other variables, such as terrain, wind conditions, how much weight you’re carrying and degree of motor assistance you use, also factor in.

Although the financial commitment might be intimidati­ng, enthusiast­s say you can’t put a price on the experience. As Mccormick says: E-bikes make cycling fun – even up treacherou­s hills. “Finally, it’s not a chore. It’s a joy.”

Dear Abby: I recently got into a huge fight with my boyfriend, which caused us to break up and me to move two hours away to stay with my mom. We have a beautiful 6-month-old daughter, and I still love him very much. He has begged me to move back and has shown me he still has feelings for me.

Because of past abuse from family and previous partners, I find it very hard to trust. I would love to go back, but I keep being told that it would be a mistake. I want to be a family again, but I don’t want the people who tell me it’s a mistake to be mad at me. Must I give in and stay away or follow my heart and go back? — Mixed Up in Missouri

Dear Mixed Up: I wish you had disclosed more about the fight that caused you to move away and take the baby. It must have been a doozy. Was he cheating? Physically or emotionall­y abusive? If it was any of those, I don’t think it is advisable to reconcile.

Why are “people” advising you not to go back with him? Are their reasons valid? If they aren’t, perhaps you should worry less about pleasing them and more about accepting responsibi­lity for your own choices.

Should you follow your heart? Yes, if it leads you and this man to a licensed couples counselor for help in resolving your problems before they get out of hand again, and deciding what would be in the best interest of your child.

Dear Abby: My husband and I just got married. We have only one problem: his ex-girlfriend. She used to be my best friend, but we fell out years ago.

She hadn’t contacted him in a long time, but since she found out we got married, she has been texting him begging to meet up. She messaged me once asking for all of us to get together, but she messages him to meet her alone and “talk.” He ignores her and shows me the messages.

Should I step in and tell her to back off or ignore her as he is doing? I trust and love my husband, but she’s becoming a pest and starting to annoy me and him. — Troubled in Tennessee

Dear Troubled: Because silence hasn’t successful­ly conveyed the message that you and your husband aren’t interested in renewing the relationsh­ip, HE should be the one to tell her — in plain English. If he doesn’t do that, then you should.

Dear Abby: Last year was a tough one for me and my family. In addition to the COVID mess, I lost my best friend of 30 years, and one of my sisters-in-law lost her best friend of 50 years.

We were talking about each of our losses recently, and she mentioned that she has no pictures of her and her friend together. I said the same about my friend. Right then I decided that no matter how bad my hair, makeup, etc. looked, I wouldn’t shy away from having my photo taken. Sometimes we don’t realize how much a candid snapshot can mean until it is too late. Do you agree?

— Moment in Time in Texas

Dear Moment: Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I have been guilty of photo-dodging, and I am sure many others have been, too. After reading your letter, I am resolving to do better in the future. Thank you!

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

 ?? MARTIN SCHUTT/PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA/AP ?? With all the elements of a traditiona­l bicycle, plus a rechargeab­le battery and a motor, e-bikes make cycling more accessible by doing the heavy lifting for you.
MARTIN SCHUTT/PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA/AP With all the elements of a traditiona­l bicycle, plus a rechargeab­le battery and a motor, e-bikes make cycling more accessible by doing the heavy lifting for you.
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