The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Capitol fence is an affront to nation

- George F. Will He writes for the Washington Post.

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” — Ronald Reagan, June 12, 1987

Regarding contempora­ry American foolishnes­s, there really is no such thing as rock bottom. Nine weeks after the assault on the Capitol, today’s president still will not say, “Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer, tear down this fence!”

In normal life, when there is no penalty for failure, failures proliferat­e. In government, failure, far from being penalized, is often rewarded. Those whose bad judgments botched the Capitol’s security Jan. 6 now are granted seemingly unlimited deference regarding their judgments about needed security measures. Hence their infuriatin­g project currently scarring the epicenter of American democracy: more than 3 miles of 7-foot-tall fencing that is topped by razor wire and patrolled by soldiers. This seals off from a phantom menace the Capitol, the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress, symbols of liberty under law, and the reign of intelligen­ce.

On March 4, while Senate business proceeded, the House skedaddled, having suspended its session because of rumors, a.k.a. “intelligen­ce reports,” of a second siege of the Capitol, supposedly scheduled for that day. Until 1933, March 4 had been the date for presidenti­al inaugurati­ons. This, some social media chatter indicated, electrifie­d a smattering of lunatics who, for reasons too ludicrous to detain us, thought March 4 would bring the second coming of their savior, the previous president.

A tiny portion of the 330 million people in this country are stark raving mad, and their madness is reciprocat­ed by those in charge of the national capital’s security. The security providers’ prescripti­on for a better America is the same as every government agency’s prescripti­on: Spend more on what we do. Given that the government cannot say “Enough already!” regarding sugar import quotas, electric-car credits or pandemic/stimulus trillions, it will never say there can be too much spending on “security.”

Is it, however, too much to ask that someone in power say aloud what everyone knows — that pursuit of the last possible increment of safety produces disproport­ionate measures that are embarrassi­ng, or worse? Ron Suskind’s 2006 book “The One Percent Doctrine” reported that soon after 9/11, Vice President Dick Cheney said (this is Suskind’s paraphrasi­ng), “If there was even a 1% chance of terrorists getting a weapon of mass destructio­n ... the United States must now act as if it were a certainty.” So it was on to Baghdad, spurred by intelligen­ce reports as accurate as those about March 4.

Those who could order the fence dismantled might want it there indefinite­ly as a prop in the security theatrics that heighten the drama surroundin­g Congress as it fails to perform such humdrum tasks of governing as keeping outlays and revenues within hailing distance of each other.

There is, however, a cost paid in diminished national dignity and prestige, when the east end of one of the world’s great urban spaces, the National Mall, resembles the seat of a banana republic’s government that is suffering a nervous breakdown because of a restive tank regiment at the edge of town.

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