The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Emerging existentia­l crisis for U.S. at Mexican border

- Pat Buchanan He writes for Creators Syndicate.

During a Democratic debate in 2020, the candidates were asked if their health care plans would cover “undocument­ed immigrants.”

Each raised his or her hand, including front-runner Joe Biden.

From that stage, the message went forth: If the Democrats win this election, then it is amnesty for all and open borders in America.

The message was reinforced by repeated Democratic praise for sanctuary cities, by calls to “abolish ICE” and end deportatio­ns, by pledges to stop work on Donald Trump’s wall, if not to tear it down.

Message sent to Mexico, Central America and others.

Hence, when Biden won, a new and potentiall­y historic surge to the Southern border began, and the number of illegal arrivals and crossings are in the growing thousands every day.

According to a White House domestic policy council document, the number of children who, without a parent or guardian, will arrive at the border in 2021 will be about 117,000 — 50% higher than the record number of children who arrived in the 2019 humanitari­an crisis.

The pre-Trump policy of “catch-and-release” has been reinstated.

Children and families who cross illegally from Mexico cannot now be held for more than 72 hours. They are being released into the U.S. to await a court date — potentiall­y years off — to hear their claim to a right to be here. Most never show up.

Congressio­nal Democrats, following Biden’s lead, have proposed a new citizenshi­p act. “Dreamers,” brought here by their parents as children, would be put on a three-year fasttrack to U.S. citizenshi­p.

The 11 million to 22 million illegal migrants already in the country — the exact number is unknown — would be put on an eightyear track to citizenshi­p.

The Democratic Party is signing on to the largest mass amnesty for illegal immigrants in history — which would produce millions of new voters for the party.

In a decade, Texas, the Southwest and much of the South would take on the political aspect of California where the GOP has become a permanent minority party.

As many illegal migrants do not read, write or speak English, and do not bring a unique set of skills, their immense and growing presence can only deepen our national disunity.

Almost all of these folks are poor or working-class people who would have to rely on government subsidies for their health care, food support, housing and the schooling of their children.

With the unemployme­nt rate rising again in the Black community, which has sustained the heaviest collective hit from the pandemic and economic collapse, the migrants would be competing with them for jobs.

America is headed, seemingly inexorably, to a future where a majority in this country traces its ancestry to Asia, Africa and Latin America, a future where this already fractionat­ed nation is even more multiracia­l, multiethni­c, multilingu­al and multicultu­ral than today.

With racial conflict as sharp as it has been in decades, with our political parties at swords point, with the culture war raging unabated, as mobs tear down statues and monuments to America’s founders, exactly what national problem will be solved by an unstopping and unrelentin­g wave of migrants illegally crossing the border into our country year after year?

One wonders: Is this how the Republic ends?

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