The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Lemony salad sings spring

It’s loaded with two types of peas, radishes and mint.

- By Ellie Krieger

Though the recipe here is written in the usual detailed format, it’s much more carefree when you get down to it. The breezy spirit of this spring salad is basically this: Pick up the freshest peas — get two varieties for the fun of it — and radishes you see at the market, and while you’re at it, grab a bunch of tender herbs, too.

When you get home, blanch and chill the peas, then toss them with sliced radishes in a simple lemon and olive oil dressing. That’s the essence of this bright, crisp, farmers-market-inspired salad, which can launch a multitude of spring meals, topped with or served alongside just about any grilled or roasted protein, or a nice slab of feta.

Keep in mind that sometimes the “freshest” sweet green peas are actually frozen. Shell peas turn starchy shortly after picking, so buy fresh ones only if you know they have been recently harvested. If not, you’re better off with a bag of frozen peas, which are frozen right after picking, locking in their sweetness, tenderness and nutrients.

This salad doubles down on the pea power, adding fresh snap peas (you also could go with snow peas) blanched just long enough to stay crisp and bright green, but without that raw taste. As for the radishes, there are so many stunning varieties in season now, go with whatever type looks most appealing. Different shades of red and purple are especially beautiful in this salad. I like to use a mix of colors and can never resist watermelon radishes when I come across them.

The lemony vinaigrett­e takes advantage of the fragrant citrus zest and juice, and is mellowed out by a touch of honey, which echoes the sweetness of the peas.

For the tender herb, I went with mint because peas and mint are a classic combo for a reason, but any tender herb such as basil, dill, parsley or cilantro would work. Each forkful of these vibrant, inseason ingredient­s is like taking a bite of springtime.

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