The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Don’t fault Milley for doing what GOP’s shills wouldn’t

- Leonard Pitts Jr. He writes for the Miami Herald.

What do you do when a president is crazy?

That’s essentiall­y the question Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, faced in the twilight days of the Trump administra­tion. His answer, as reported by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their forthcomin­g book, “Peril,” has some people up in arms.

It seems that Milley, according to published accounts, became convinced his tantrum-throwing, reality-denying commander-in-chief was in a state of mental collapse and, as such, was an immediate threat to world peace. So the general went around him, twice reaching out via back channel to his Chinese counterpar­t, Gen. Li Zuocheng.

The first call was last October. Milley reportedly had seen intelligen­ce suggesting that China, rattled by U.S. military exercises in the South China Sea and by President Donald Trump’s bellicose rhetoric, believed an American attack was imminent. He assured Zuocheng that this was not the case and went so far as to issue an extraordin­ary promise: “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time.”

Milley’s second call is said to have come in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on at the Capitol. He reportedly felt it necessary to assure China the U.S. government was stable, appearance­s to the contrary notwithsta­nding. Milley also warned military officers against obeying any presidenti­al orders to launch nuclear weapons unless he, Milley, was involved.

The propriety of Milley’s actions has come under heavy scrutiny. Trump-era national security adviser John Bolton defended him and vouched for his patriotism. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said that reassuring a nervous adversary is “not only common, it’s expected.”

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, on the other hand, expressed “grave concern” and demanded that President Joe Biden fire Milley “immediatel­y.” Nor was the condemnati­on limited to political actors. Former Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who famously testified against Trump in his first impeachmen­t and paid with his career, said Milley must resign, having “violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military.”

But the Trump years set extremely dangerous precedents on a daily basis. It is at least conceivabl­e that this one averted war. And none of this Sturm und Drang addresses what would seem to be the obvious issue. Namely, that the question of how to manage a mentally unbalanced president never should have devolved to Milley.

That it did speaks to the unadultera­ted cowardice of the political party that protected Trump, made excuses for him, lied for him every step of the way. As his precarious mental state became ever more obvious, the GOP’s refusal to do its patriotic duty became ever more glaring.

Impeach him? Invoke the 25th Amendment? Simply stand up on hind legs and object?

No, no and no. Instead, the GOP behaved like Mikey’s brothers in the old Life cereal ad: “I’m not gonna try it. You try it.”

Now we’re supposed to dump opprobrium upon a soldier who was required to answer a question that never should have come to his desk and never would have, had these people exhibited a molecule of courage? No.

The most troubling thing is not what Milley chose to do. It’s that he had to make a choice at all.

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