The Atlanta Journal-Constitution



A newspaper editor assigned a cub reporter to cover the biggest society wedding their town

had seen in years. The cub returned empty-handed.

“No story,” he told the editor. “The groom didn’t show.”

There would have been no story in today’s deal if North’s clubs had been K-Q-5-3. Then North would have opened one spade and would have become declarer at four spades, losing a trick in each side suit and making his contract without breaking a sweat.

As it was, South opened, West issued a passed-hand double, and North redoubled. After two passes, West ran to 1NT. If he’d been doubled there, he would have redoubled to insist that East bid a suit. But North showed his spade support, and South went to four spades.

West led a trump, and declarer drew trumps. He led a diamond to dummy’s queen and a diamond to his 10 and West’s jack. And West then led ... a low club.

South had to guess: Should he play dummy’s jack or king?

South knew he was safe if East had the king of hearts; South would lose a diamond and maybe two clubs. So South assumed that West had the king (which was likely anyway due to his double).

But West had shown the A-J of diamonds, and on the assumption that he had the king of hearts, he couldn’t have the ace of clubs. Then he would have opened the bidding.

So South played dummy’s jack of clubs. When East took the ace, South lost only a heart and a diamond besides. If the position of the club honors is swapped, South still succeeds since East will have the king of hearts.

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