The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Why Dems under Biden seem headed for lifeboats

- Pat Buchanan He writes for Creators Syndicate.

Not so long ago, President Joe Biden was being talked of as a transforma­tive president, a second Franklin D. Roosevelt in terms of the domestic agenda he would enact.

And there was substance to the claim.

Early in his presidency, Biden had passed a $1.9 trillion stimulus package. While his majorities in both houses of Congress were razor-thin, they proved sufficient to push through a $1.2 trillion infrastruc­ture bill.

Clusters of Republican­s backed the Biden infrastruc­ture bill.

So how are Biden and the administra­tion he leads doing with the American people who put them into office? According to a stunning Washington Post-ABC News

poll last weekend, not well, not well at all.

If the 2022 elections were held this November, registered voters would back Republican candidates over Democratic opponents 51-41.

The GOP voter advantage would translate into a rout of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House Democrats, loss of the Senate, two years of gridlock and a lame-duck Biden presidency through 2023 and 2024.

If that Post-ABC poll is accurate, Democrats are staring into the abyss.

According to the poll, 70% of Americans have a negative view of how the economy is doing under Biden, while 38%, almost 4 in 10, believe the economy is in “poor” condition.

On how he is handling his presidency overall, Biden has the approval of 41% and the disapprova­l of 53% of all Americans.

Though he has suffered attrition in his own Democratic Party, it is among independen­t voters that his losses have been staggering.

On the issues of whether the government is spending too much and whether parents should play a role in deciding what their children are taught in public schools, the GOP stance is overwhelmi­ngly supported.

Four of the issue areas where Biden and the Democrats are on the defensive are inflation, immigratio­n, crime and education.

In October, the consumer price index was 6.2% above a year ago, the highest surge in inflation in 31 years.

The family necessitie­s of food and gasoline are showing some of the steepest price increases. Several months ago, Democrats were saying the price surge was “transitory.” Few are saying that now.

As for the border crisis, which was put in Kamala Harris’ portfolio, it is seeing the highest rates of illegal entries in decades, with more than a million having crossed our southern border since Biden took the oath.

In the aftermath of the “Defund the police!” protests and riots in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minneapoli­s in 2020, resignatio­ns and retirement­s of cops have gone hand in hand with an explosion of murders and homicides in America’s major cities.

On the education issue, which now embraces the rights of parents to review what their children are being taught about race, sex and morality in their public schools — the issue probably cost Terry McAuliffe his chance to return as governor of Virginia.

And Republican­s now seem in step with suburban parents, as Democrats appear to be on the side of leftist teachers unions.

That’s the kind of climate change Democrats ought to be worrying about.

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