The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Film explores immigratio­n jail through COVID-19 lens

‘The Facility’ debuts next month on documentar­y site fieldofvis­

- By Alan Judd

As COVID-19 began spreading through a South Georgia immigratio­n jail, one detainee fashioned a face mask from a sock. Another used a headphone cord to secure a plastic cup over his face.

Another man sat in front of a video-call camera and confided his growing fear. “I’m really scared,” he said, “I’m going to die.”

These are scenes from a new documentar­y called “The Facility,” directed by the journalist Seth Freed Wessler. The film uses the first months of the coronaviru­s pandemic to explore conditions at the Irwin County Detention Center in Ocilla, where undocument­ed immigrants were held, often indefinite­ly and without criminal charges, by the federal Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agency.

“This is both a specific place and it’s also a story about a system,” Wessler, whose film debuts in early December on the documentar­y site fieldofvis­, said in an interview. “We have a system that is treating asylum seekers and immigrants in a punitive way and is causing really significan­t suffering.”

Wessler, now a reporter for the online investigat­ive news organizati­on Propublica, made the documentar­y after writing about the treatment of detainees at Irwin for Huffpost and The New York Times Magazine. The film begins in March 2020 as the first detainees tested positive for the coronaviru­s — and six months before a whistleblo­wer went public with allegation­s that women detainees had been subjected to unwanted gynecologi­cal procedures.

The whistleblo­wer, Dawn Wooten, a nurse, also said the facility was not following federal guidelines to contain the coronaviru­s, such as providing masks and institutin­g social-distancing protocols. Ultimately, 146 detainees at Irwin tested positive for the virus. (An executive with Lasalle Correction­s, which runs the detention center, said the facility was “firmly committed to the health and welfare of our detained population.”)

The film unfolds mostly through interviews with detainees, which Wessler conducted over the detention center’s video-phone system. The footage from these calls includes ambient sound and video from the detention center’s common area. At one point, a detainee pointed out a passing guard who was unmasked. A television set played constantly in the background, often showing Spanish-language news programs. Wessler lingers on a campaign commercial in which former U.S. Sen. David Perdue extolled the “individual liberty for our children” that “the rest of the world envies.”

“I was starting to see what normal life (in the facility) looks like,” Wessler said. “Inside the cell block, people were seeing the same TV that I was.”

Much of the film centers on two detainees whose experience­s at Irwin inspired them to become immigrant-rights activists.

Nilson Barahona-marriaga, a native of Honduras, had been detained after he was charged with driving under the influence and faced the possibilit­y of deportatio­n.

“My father is a citizen,” he told Wessler. “My wife is a citizen. My son has been born here. My mom is a legal resident. I’ve been here almost 20 years. So what is the point of ICE having me here for?”

When Barahona helped lead a hunger strike to protest the lack of protection­s from COVID-19, guards placed him in an isolation cell for 14 days. Andrea Manrique, a Colombian national, received a similar punishment for leading protests by women detainees.

Manrique came to the United States on a tourist visa and told immigratio­n agents she was seeking asylum because she feared violence in her home country.

“I thought this country was going to protect me,” she told Wessler.

Instead, she spent almost two years in detention, mostly at Irwin. Barahona was detained about eight months. ICE released both on the same day in November 2020, without explanatio­n. Barahona has since applied for permanent resident status, and Manrique’s asylum applicatio­n is pending. Both now advocate for other detainees seeking release.

Before Wessler completed the film, federal immigratio­n officials canceled a contract with Irwin, transferri­ng the remaining detainees to other facilities. The number of detainees in ICE custody dropped under former President Donald Trump as migrants were turned away at the border. More asylum seekers have entered the country since President Joe Biden took office, increasing the census at many detention centers. More than 22,000 were being held in October, threefourt­hs of whom had no criminal record, according to data analyzed by the Transactio­nal Records Access Clearingho­use at Syracuse University.

“Detention,” Wessler said, “remains a centerpiec­e of how our immigratio­n system runs.”

The film uses the first months of the coronaviru­s pandemic to explore conditions at the Irwin County Detention Center in Ocilla.

 ?? HYOSUB SHIN/HYOSUB.SHIN@AJC.COM ?? Journalist Seth Freed Wessler, now a reporter for the online investigat­ive news organizati­on Propublica, made the documentar­y, “The Facility,” after writing about the treatment of detainees at the Ocilla detention center for Huffpost and The New York Times Magazine.
HYOSUB SHIN/HYOSUB.SHIN@AJC.COM Journalist Seth Freed Wessler, now a reporter for the online investigat­ive news organizati­on Propublica, made the documentar­y, “The Facility,” after writing about the treatment of detainees at the Ocilla detention center for Huffpost and The New York Times Magazine.
 ?? JENNI GIRTMAN FOR THE ATLANTA JOURNALCON­STITUTION ?? Dawn Wooten, an LPN, expressed concern in September 2020 about conditions at the detention center.
JENNI GIRTMAN FOR THE ATLANTA JOURNALCON­STITUTION Dawn Wooten, an LPN, expressed concern in September 2020 about conditions at the detention center.
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