The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

CDC mulls updating mask guidance against omicron

N95s or KN95S protect better against highly transmissi­ble variant.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considerin­g updating its mask guidance to recommend that people opt for the highly protective N95 or KN95 masks worn by health care personnel, if they can do so consistent­ly, said an official close to the deliberati­ons who was not authorized to speak publicly.

With the highly transmissi­ble omicron variant spurring record levels of infections and hospitaliz­ations, experts have repeatedly urged the Biden administra­tion to recommend the better-quality masks rather than cloth coverings to protect against an airborne virus, and to underscore the importance of masking.

“The agency is currently actively looking to update its recommenda­tions for KN95 and N95 in light of omicron,” the official said. “We know these masks provide better filtration.”

When CDC issued its initial mask guidance in 2020, health officials did not urge the use of the more protective face coverings out of concerns that health workers might be unable to get them. But health officials said there are no longer serious shortages of N95 masks.

The updated guidance is expected to say that the best mask is the one that is worn consistent­ly and correctly. N95 masks, which were predominan­tly used in health care and industrial settings before the pandemic, are supposed to be individual­ly fitted and are sometimes hard to wear all day, physicians and other health care personnel have said. The CDC guidance is expected to say that if people can “tolerate wearing a KN95 or N95 mask all day, you should.”

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has previously declined to officially endorse Americans wearing N95s regularly, rather than a typical fabric mask.

“If people want extra layers of protection, the KN95 or N95s do offer that,” Walensky said in a December interview on PBS Newshour. “But what I also want to really emphasize is that you need to be able to keep them on for when you’re in those settings. Those KN95 and N95s are often not as comfortabl­e.”

The agency’s current guidance says a mask should fit snugly, have two layers of breathable fabric and have a wire bridge around the nose. The guidance says N95 masks should be prioritize­d for health care workers, an idea several public health experts panned.

“That note of trying to save N95s for health care workers is just grossly out of date,” said Michael Osterholm, who leads the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy and advised president Joe Biden’s transition team on the coronaviru­s response.

N95 masks are approved by The National Institute for Occupation­al Safety and Health, and are designed to filter up to 95% of particles, according to the CDC. KN95S are supposed to meet a comparable Chinese standard, but there is no Chinese regulatory agency overseeing that meet that standard, said Anne Miller, executive director of Project N95, a nonprofit that distribute­s free N95s and children’s masks in the United States.

The CDC has warned that about 60% of KN95S in the United States are counterfei­t. However, there are U.S. firms that make KN95S that are of high quality, Miller said.

“Omicron is very transmissi­ble through shared air,” said Julia Raifman, an assistant professor at Boston University School of Public Health. “Mask policies that ensure people with covid and people around them are wearing high-quality masks do the most to reduce covid spread,” she said in an email, adding that other countries, such as South Korea and Japan, have done much more to make the masks widely available.

The government should not only recommend high quality masks, she added, but should also make them available and required in workplaces.

Last week, following a spate of breakthrou­gh cases among vaccinated staff and lawmakers in the Capitol, congressio­nal staff were told KN95 masks would be provided to House staff. Previously, they were allotted surgical masks.

Some state and local officials have also recently encouraged people to upgrade their masks.

In Milwaukee, the health department over the weekend started handing out half-a-million free N95 masks at testing and vaccinatio­n sites and public libraries, according to local news reports. In Connecticu­t, the state announced it would distribute 6 million free N95s. In suburban Maryland, Montgomery County Public Schools are providing KN95 masks to teachers, staff and students.

Miller said there are many U.S. manufactur­ers of N95 masks and an ample supply. Project N95 sells the masks at low prices and has also distribute­d more than 2.5 million N95s and quality children’s masks to people in need. It is working to distribute another 10 million free during the winter surge.

 ?? NOAH BERGER/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Elementary school teacher Carrie Landheer protests for stronger COVID-19 safety protocols outside Oakland Unified School District headquarte­rs on Friday in Oakland, Calif. Along with fellow teachers, she staged a sickout Friday urging the district to provide N95 masks, conduct weekly COVID-19 testing and institute two weeks of remote learning to reduce transmissi­on rates.
NOAH BERGER/ASSOCIATED PRESS Elementary school teacher Carrie Landheer protests for stronger COVID-19 safety protocols outside Oakland Unified School District headquarte­rs on Friday in Oakland, Calif. Along with fellow teachers, she staged a sickout Friday urging the district to provide N95 masks, conduct weekly COVID-19 testing and institute two weeks of remote learning to reduce transmissi­on rates.

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