The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Cholestero­l drug works but isn’t widely known

- Teresa and Joe Graedon The People’s Pharmacy

Q: I have hereditary high cholestero­l and Type 1 diabetes. My endocrinol­ogist was pushing me to take a statin. Because many people I know have side effects such as muscle pain, I resisted.

Finally, he said, “Let’s try Zetia.” I take it daily. It controls my cholestero­l and I have no side effects.

Why is this medication not more widely known and prescribed? I have told many friends who have switched to it from a statin. They can’t believe how much better they feel.

A: Zetia (ezetimibe) works through a completely different mechanism than statins. Drugs such as atorvastat­in, rosuvastat­in and simvastati­n interfere with the production of cholestero­l by blocking a key enzyme (HMG-COA reductase).

Ezetimibe works by inhibiting the absorption of cholestero­l from the digestive tract. The drug is generally well-tolerated with a relatively low rate of side effects, such as diarrhea, upper respirator­y tract infections, sinusitis, joint and muscle pain, fatigue and liver enzyme elevations.

Many doctors add ezetimibe to statins to achieve desired reductions in LDL cholestero­l. If your doctor is satisfied with the results you have achieved with Zetia alone, that’s great.

Q: I read with great interest your article on discontinu­ation of aspirin therapy. Many of us long-term aspirin users are now in limbo. I’m a healthy 71-yearold male who has taken an 81-milligram aspirin daily for 40 years for primary prevention. My doctor back then suggested it, and my current doctor will not advise me on whether or not to discontinu­e. Can you help?

A: For a drug that has been used for well over a century, aspirin is surprising­ly controvers­ial. Many doctors used to routinely recommend lowdose aspirin to prevent heart attacks. These days, though, many physicians reserve aspirin for people who are at high risk. The fear is that aspirin may increase the risk of bleeding.

Stopping aspirin may not be a simple matter, however. A Swedish study found that people who discontinu­ed aspirin suddenly had an increased risk of heart attack or stroke (Circulatio­n, Sept. 26, 2017).

Surgeons may ask patients to stop aspirin before major surgery to lower the likelihood of uncontroll­ed bleeding. This, too, is controvers­ial (Internatio­nal Journal of Surgery, Nov. 15, 2013).

Sadly, there is no proven protocol for cutting back on aspirin.

Q: I’ve been on amlodipine to treat high blood pressure for years, but lately I’ve experience­d several bouts of insomnia. It comes on without notice and leaves just the same. I’m experienci­ng a bout right now, so I went to see a sleep specialist. During the initial interview, as I was telling her what meds I took, she said amlodipine is a “sleep doctor’s enemy.” On your website, I’ve found others who have had this problem as well. Why aren’t patients warned about this side effect?

A: Insomnia is included in the side effect informatio­n for amlodipine. Other complaints include swelling of ankles, palpitatio­ns and fatigue. We agree that physicians and pharmacist­s should mention sleeping problems associated with medication­s.

In our eguide to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep, we list a number of over-thecounter and prescripti­on drugs that can make sleeping more difficult. You also will find a variety of strategies to overcome insomnia. This online resource can be found under the Health eguides tab at Peoplespha­

Talk with your primary care provider. He or she should be able to find a blood pressure medicine that does not interfere with sleep.

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